Drea, Many years ago, someone made me a blanket entirely from ties, with a sheet or something as a backing to bring them all together. It was actually very cool visually, because she picked ties which would match nicely. And it was one of the warmest blankets I've ever had. I used it for many years, until I wore it out and had to toss it.
Drea, Many years ago, someone made me a blanket entirely from ties, with a sheet or something as a backing to bring them all together. It was actually very cool visually, because she picked ties which would match nicely. And it was one of the warmest blankets I've ever had. I used it for many years, until I wore it out and had to toss it.
Pretty much everything except this is just weird for it's own sake or a cry for help. This one is actually cool (other than the weird pose).
Welp...might as well be me...."She's fit to be tied!" (((((sigh)))))