"My Company Has Given Each Employee 1-2 Bottles Of Expired Hand Sanitizer For "Employee Appreciation Day" 3 Years In A Row. Guess They Had Some Left Over From The Lockdowns"
"My husband works in HAZMAT. He's 100% sure it's because bulk disposal of 70% iso is too expensive, so they'd rather disperse it to staff and make us get rid of it for them.
It smells horrible and I almost never use hand sanitizer when soap and water is available."
#25 bonus is it's flammable. our university had an auction with surplus sanitizer and ppe... an entire pallet went for $5
Why the hell would you hand those out if you think they look ridiculous??
So I changed companies. Basically doing the same, and last year I got a brand new iPad for personal use.
i wouldnt take a single one of those "gifts"