Arnie 1 month ago
#7 in this case the only real option is to speak to the lizard.
Tiff 7 hours ago
#14 To all waiters, waitresses, and anyone else who might come to my table and say the words 'how's everything tasting': your tip just went from 20% to 15%. Who in the eff decided it would be appropriate and in any way ok to walk up to a table and say those words? To someone who was brought up in a world where waiters and waitresses stand off to the side, to leave diners in peace, and know when they are needed, that's like walking up to a stranger and asking 'how's that underwear fitting?'. This is the most annoying shite the food industry has ever come up with. Some schmuck in a suit decided that the word 'tasting' has mystical magical properties which will, I assume, make the food-experience more pleasurable. Either that, or they want to force the customers into answering a question with an affirmative to somehow trick them into thinking they had a better experience than they did.

If you know how to do your job, you don't have to ask. Look at them; do they look like they're about to vomit? No? Then shut up and stay away from their table.
Tiff 7 hours ago
Tiff, #44 You too. Stop fecking interrupting people while they're eating. They're paying a boatload of money to go there and eat and talk to whomever they are dining with. They are not there to talk to you. Learn how to do your job, and stop interrupting.
People Who Had The Most Embarrassing Day Ever
