"A Police Officer Playing Duck Duck Goose With Children In New York, 1970"
"Firefighters Protecting The General Sherman, The Largest Tree In The World, From A Wildfire"
"Harlem Grocer Standing In Front Of His Store, 1937"
"German Soldiers React To Footage Of Concentration Camps, 1945"
Izismile Videos
"Jesse Owens, An American Athlete, In London Following His Four Gold Medals At The 1936 Berlin Olympics"
"A Woman In The 1950’s Standing Next To A Redwood Tree"
"My Great Grandfather Wrote This Letter To My Grandfather. He Was K**led 8 Days Later"
"B-17 Ball Turret Gunner Alan Magee, Who Fell 22,000 Feet Without A Parachute, Landing On The Glass Roof Of St. Nazaire Train Station, Breaking It Through. He Suffered Multiple Injuries, Including A Broken Leg And A Badly Cut Arm, But He Lived. January 3, 1943"
"American Activist Rachel Corrie, 23, Stands Between An Israeli Bulldozer And A Palestinian House On March 16, 2003, In Rafah In The Gaza Strip. Corrie Was Run Over And Killed By An Israeli Bulldozer As She Protested The Demolition Of Palestinian Houses. (2003)"
"Burbank High School Parking Lot In Burbank, California 1966"
"Last Surviving Wooden Door From The Gas Chambers At Auschwitz. For Millions Of Jews, It Was The Last Door They Ever Saw"
"Satchel Paige At His Final Pro Baseball Game In Which He Pitched 3 Scoreless Innings For The Kansas City A’s In 1965 At The Age Of 59. An Easy Chair And A Nurse Were Provided In The Bullpen"
"Department Store Workers On Their Lunch Break, Chattanooga, Tn, 1905"
"When She Was 23, Rosemary Kennedy, The Sister Of Jfk And Rfk, Had A Forced Lobotomy Arranged By Her Father. The Surgery Left Her Incapacitated For The Rest Of Her Life"
"Lumberjacks, Ca 1900"
"A Woman Sitting In The Ruins Of Cologne, Germany, 1945"
“Okay…Howz zis?”
“Jaaaa…das ist gut.”
“Und who ist zis…Hitlery?”
#3 A community store that was celebrated and cherished for being part of the community. Now that same store would be blasted for following the W man and pretending to be W if they did not allow theft or tithe to their local civil rights group.
#4 Should show the pictures of the German civilians the US army forced to march through the camps. They said they didn't know. Like hell. They could smell the cooking flesh and had the ash fall on their houses like snow.
#5 A great American
#9 Lesson learned? Don't stand in front of a bulldozer because not everyone will stop.
#17 German Jews who served honorably in the various Germanic states pre 1870 and in the Unified German Army 1870-1934, could never have imagined that anyone would commit such atrocities against them. I know I could not imagine my nation that I served and fought for turning on me.
#31 Serial and criminal should never go together.
#17 That is what happens when you let a lunatic run your country. Case and point Russia right now.
not to mention #31 "Killer".. well, that is, I don't think they mean "serial spammer"
I guess it's the free speech thing america is so crazy about
the dog.