"My Wife Ordered A Squidward Wall Hanging For Her Sister But Was Sent This Pillow Case Instead!"
Izismile Videos
"Ordered Online And Was Sent Only One Right Shoe. They “Fixed” The Issue By Sending Me Two More Right Shoes"
"What I Ordered And What I Got! Prince Christmas Tree Ornament"
"Ordered A Canvas Print Of Me And My Kids. At Least One Of Us Made It Fully Into The Picture I Guess"
""Discrete Shipping". Ordered A New Toy In The Mail. "Very Discrete Packaging". As Long As The Mail Carrier Doesn't Have Eyes"
"Newegg Sent Me A Brick Instead Of A Gpu"
"500 on a GPU. Thier support sent me an email saying "they confirmed it was shipped out and have denied my claim" I even had a video of me opening the box. I knew I shouldn't have bought from newegg."
"Always Check The Size Before You Order"
"We needed a good spoon to stir jam making and I accidentally ordered this spoon that can double as a short sword. lol
Going to give it to a friend that has a giant wok."
"3 Years Ago I Unknowingly Bought A 2 Person Child's Tent Thinking It Was Adult Sized...and I Still Took It To The Festival"
"Scam Level: Expert. Ordered These Cute Little Guys Assuming I Would Receive What Was Advertised. You Know What They Say About Assuming"
"Printed Sweater. Yall… They Printed A Picture Of A Sweater On A Sweatshirt"
"1-800 Flowers. How Bad Is This? Should I Be Annoyed For $85?"
"Christmas Carousel I Ordered vs. What I Received"
"Ordered An Official iPhone Product Got Tea Instead"
"Ordered Wooden Bottle Openers. Received A Fuel Pump Nozzle"
"Ordered A Microwave, Got A Gaming Chair, Customer Service Say They'll "Consider Fixing The Problem" But Might Not"
"After weeks of calling customer service to actually get what I've already paid for, I finally got a knock on my door. Delivery!!! Finally!!! New microwave!!! Weeeeee. Not. I signed, got the parcel inside, and discovered the microwave was now a gaming chair, a low quality one too. So I called customer service. After keeping me on hold for an eternity, they said they'll let me know in a week (or two) if they'll pick it back up and deliver the item I actually bought.... IF!!!"
"Ordered A New Mug Online And It Arrived Broken"
Um I think you two need to swap information...