It is common school knowledge. 9th grade, as I remember. The Fenno Samian Shield in Europe is equivalently old, as well as the Transvaal Shield in South Africa.
#32 he didn't rent it he bought them and then sold them to a rental company. And he did this so he wouldn't get tickets for parking like the absolute @$$hole he was. good riddance.
It is common school knowledge. 9th grade, as I remember. The Fenno Samian Shield in Europe is equivalently old, as well as the Transvaal Shield in South Africa.
#32 he didn't rent it he bought them and then sold them to a rental company. And he did this so he wouldn't get tickets for parking like the absolute @$$hole he was. good riddance.
LOL the downvotes are liberal fact checkers. censoring truth
It is common school knowledge. 9th grade, as I remember. The Fenno Samian Shield in Europe is equivalently old, as well as the Transvaal Shield in South Africa.
Valeri, you are an idiot.
I'd like to nominate you for a Darwin award for this comment