#2 completely idiotic. Nothing is free. We pay with our taxs and this is very expansive (and not good quality) And very often we cant get any care because nothing work.
Maybe you don't haver a clue: 1. Because every hospital / doctor bill is checked by the health insurance, there are no fantasy bills (like e.g. 2'577,66 US$ for a doctor appointment, who didn't show up)
2. The time, taxes were used to build your emperor's next castle and feed his court jester are over. At least in Europe, Africa and Asia. Here are taxes used for our community. Maybe, you should consider, that a court jester doesn't need space ships, car factories and not even children with "funny" names.
3. We don't have any families, that prescribe addicting drugs with legal support. We don't have 80'000 Fentanyl deads every year.
I saw all the 50 pics and do you see one thing? I think, your country hasn't anything to offer, that other countries should copy
"Euroweeny" here. Fun fact: I absolutely agree with you. Let's create a list of places, that would appreciate the immediate leave of Americans:
Palomares (Spain) (please take EVERYTHING with you!) Avanersuuk (Greenland) (no new state for the Trumpists and Muskinis) Ramstein (Germany) (you will go blind for the Middle East) Balmedie (Scotland) (Golf is for losers) Grünheide (Germany) (no comment necessary)
#1 imagine you are a girl 14 years old and in there you find one men or more... Age 40, 1.8m height dresed in whoman clothes... this is the stupidest thing oure century could imagine... I know you will delete this... But just think about it!
#1 equal opportunity. Now it's not just the 8 year old boys being raped in the bathroom, the young girls get to join in the fun too.
#26 You paided a lot more than I do. My health insurance picks up 100% even if the hospital is 75 miles away, which it is. The US system isn't that bad. And you also get to pick the one that offers the services you want, not one of those one size fits all plans that everyone has to use.
#34 Damn Racist Mexicans. what do they got against the Irish?
#40 Walmart, you're such a good Canadian, BUY AMERICAN!!
#2 completely idiotic. Nothing is free. We pay with our taxs and this is very expansive (and not good quality) And very often we cant get any care because nothing work.
Maybe you don't haver a clue: 1. Because every hospital / doctor bill is checked by the health insurance, there are no fantasy bills (like e.g. 2'577,66 US$ for a doctor appointment, who didn't show up)
2. The time, taxes were used to build your emperor's next castle and feed his court jester are over. At least in Europe, Africa and Asia. Here are taxes used for our community. Maybe, you should consider, that a court jester doesn't need space ships, car factories and not even children with "funny" names.
3. We don't have any families, that prescribe addicting drugs with legal support. We don't have 80'000 Fentanyl deads every year.
I saw all the 50 pics and do you see one thing? I think, your country hasn't anything to offer, that other countries should copy
"Euroweeny" here. Fun fact: I absolutely agree with you. Let's create a list of places, that would appreciate the immediate leave of Americans:
Palomares (Spain) (please take EVERYTHING with you!) Avanersuuk (Greenland) (no new state for the Trumpists and Muskinis) Ramstein (Germany) (you will go blind for the Middle East) Balmedie (Scotland) (Golf is for losers) Grünheide (Germany) (no comment necessary)
#1 imagine you are a girl 14 years old and in there you find one men or more... Age 40, 1.8m height dresed in whoman clothes... this is the stupidest thing oure century could imagine... I know you will delete this... But just think about it!
#1 equal opportunity. Now it's not just the 8 year old boys being raped in the bathroom, the young girls get to join in the fun too.
#26 You paided a lot more than I do. My health insurance picks up 100% even if the hospital is 75 miles away, which it is. The US system isn't that bad. And you also get to pick the one that offers the services you want, not one of those one size fits all plans that everyone has to use.
#34 Damn Racist Mexicans. what do they got against the Irish?
#40 Walmart, you're such a good Canadian, BUY AMERICAN!!
That would be an easy way out. Let him suffer inhumane conditions instead.
And very often we cant get any care because nothing work.
Maybe you don't haver a clue:
1. Because every hospital / doctor bill is checked by the health insurance, there are no fantasy bills (like e.g. 2'577,66 US$ for a doctor appointment, who didn't show up)
2. The time, taxes were used to build your emperor's next castle and feed his court jester are over. At least in Europe, Africa and Asia. Here are taxes used for our community.
Maybe, you should consider, that a court jester doesn't need space ships, car factories and not even children with "funny" names.
3. We don't have any families, that prescribe addicting drugs with legal support. We don't have 80'000 Fentanyl deads every year.
I saw all the 50 pics and do you see one thing?
I think, your country hasn't anything to offer, that other countries should copy
"Euroweeny" here. Fun fact: I absolutely agree with you.
Let's create a list of places, that would appreciate the immediate leave of Americans:
Palomares (Spain) (please take EVERYTHING with you!)
Avanersuuk (Greenland) (no new state for the Trumpists and Muskinis)
Ramstein (Germany) (you will go blind for the Middle East)
Balmedie (Scotland) (Golf is for losers)
Grünheide (Germany) (no comment necessary)
Is there enough sun to make it worthwhile?
That's only the cost of renting the TV....
this is the stupidest thing oure century could imagine...
I know you will delete this... But just think about it!
#26 You paided a lot more than I do. My health insurance picks up 100% even if the hospital is 75 miles away, which it is. The US system isn't that bad. And you also get to pick the one that offers the services you want, not one of those one size fits all plans that everyone has to use.
#34 Damn Racist Mexicans. what do they got against the Irish?
#40 Walmart, you're such a good Canadian, BUY AMERICAN!!