
The Congo May be Poor But the Men Dress to Impress (53 pics)

Posted in PICDUMPS       25 Mar 2014       21868

Although 70% of the Congo’s population is below the poverty line, men still spend up to $300 to dress in the latest fashions. This is the average wage for six months and people even take loans from the bank to afford these clothes.


The Congo May be Poor But the Men Dress to Impress

The Congolese SAPE, or Elegant People of Congo (20 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       13 Nov 2009       30188
We can regularly hear about Congo, but in general, it’s rather sad stories than for something else.
So, to change, we’ll talk about something I never heard about before today: SAPE!
SAPE: “La Société des Ambianceurs et Personnes Elégantes”, or the society of atmosphere setters and elegant people.

You can see people of SAPE everywhere in Congo and it’s easy to recognize them because they have one important rule – a man has to be elegant! Though, it’s not all about elegance, a true member of the SAPE is a gentleman and a pacifist.
So, among people dressed simply, you can see guys wearing $1000 suits!
They consider themselves to be artists and are respected and admired by the whole community.
I think it’s weird, but again, to each his own…

The Congolese SAPE, or Elegant People of Congo (20 pics)

The gold mining in the Congo (15 photographs)

Posted in PICTURES       26 Feb 2009       43845
Horrible conditions of work in gold mines, and all this happen nowadays, the time of technical progress.

The gold mining in the Congo (15 photographs)

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