A long time ago, people used Polaroids to take photos, now they use their cell phones and I must say, the effect is not the same…
There’s a little something more interesting in those pics…
Take a look!
There’s a good chance you’ve experienced that once in your life. You wanted a cool costume, but your parents did not want to (or couldn’t) buy you a costume, instead, they made you one. The thing is, some handmade costumes are really well done sometimes, but most of the time, it’s not that great…
So here is a compilation of those hilariously failed costumes. Enjoy!
A post for fans of Sci-Fi. You will love these cute babies dressed in your favourite Star Wars and Star Trek characters!
Some other ideas for Halloween….
It has been made at a call centre. I say it’s not bad…
Halloween is in three weeks, so you still have plenty of time to prepare yourself.
But have you already thought about the costume you will wear?
And what for your baby or your little bro/sis?
If not, then take a look at that! It’s lovely :))
Here are some pics with Halloween costumes beforehand. Some of them are funny, others are crazy and some are just ridiculous. But all of them are worth being seen :)