The First Space Blogger (22 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       24 Nov 2009       4398
Russian astronaut Maksim Surayev aboard the International Space Station started his blog which is becoming more and more popular. Mostly, because of his original writing and the interesting things and weird pictures he’s talking about. All of this is mixed with humor and makes this blog unique.
Recently, he was talking about what ‘space smells like’, he wrote if you strike two granite stones with one another, it will give you this exact smell. Well, need to go there to smell it for myself :)
Or all the confusions in translation of canned food from Russian to English and vice versa.
He also wrote that all the astronauts on board have their little hobby, like, for example, growing lettuce and wheat, writing poems and diaries etc.
Now let’s take a look at the pictures.

The First Space Blogger (22 pics)

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