Pet weddings become more and more widespread.
We posted once a dog wedding which I thought was one of a kind, now such weddings are everywhere even for cats or monkeys.
So, look at this collection of dog weddings and other animal weddings inside the post.
Posted in
ANIMALS 21 Jul 2009
These small but very fast creatures fight very hard.
In addition, they behave like real ninjas with jumps, hits and catches.
I made a selection of several fights. The last fight had a happy end :)
There are also 2 videos. Don’t forget to watch them, they are very funny.
This selection of animals is not a usual one where animals are cute and so. Here are the freaks of nature, the mutant animals:))
But some are still funny )
By looking at these pictures, it becomes clear that animals are often much more kind and caring than humans.
A person who looks very much alike as someone else is something quite common in the human world ;)
But we can meet this phenomenon among animals too, despite the fact that they belong to totally different species.
These are indeed the most interesting pictures according to National Geographic. I love this collection.