The New York Public Library recently published a list of the 10 most checked out books of all time. You might have not heard about all of them, though.
Brian J. Davis, a filmmaker and digital artist, decided to draw police sketches of book characters to see if they are any different from their movie counterparts. And law enforcement composite sketch software helped him with that.
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CELEBS 22 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers for the recently finished season of “Game Of Thrones” ahead!
This post was submitted by one of our fellow Izismilers. As the author stated, “I think the synopsis of this book speaks for itself”.
Thanks for your submission, Mr.Necro!
Don’t forget to submit your funny and interesting posts, and we will make sure that the best ones appear on our site.
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VIDEO 20 Feb 2019
This book was left in an occult shop until people noticed that something isn’t quite right with it.
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15 May 2017
Pat Hines just doesn’t like Photoshop or other similar software (not mentioning he’s just bad at it), so he practiced good old MS Paint for over 10 years sitting long overnights at a hospital reception desk. That’s what came in handy for him to illustrate his ebook “Camp Redblood And The Essential Revenge”, although people don’t believe that such illustrations could be made in Paint, which Pat proves via his Deviantart page.
Japanese artist, author, and illustrator Jaluka Nohana came up with a great life hack that will be very useful after the pages of your book got wet. It is quite simple really. Take a look.
The book is called Codex Silenda designed by Brady Whitney. The book have five page book that features five tricky puzzles. Each page features a unique puzzle that has to be solved to unlock the next page.
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FUNNY 20 Jun 2016
Matthew Carroll started to note all of the funny things his toddler daughter was saying. He found them really amusing and five years later there were enough of such sayings to put together a book. He called it "Can I Sit On Your Lap While You're Pooping?" Here are some of the funny bits:
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VIDEO 19 May 2016