These classic movie moments captured in stills should bring up some powerful emotions, or make you want to watch them again.
Unfortunately, these games which gave us so many hours of joy in the childhood are long gone and have become classic.
See how funnily the iconic video games would change if their difficulty level could be switched to an extra-easy mode.
This collection of awesome pick-up lines will have the ladies swooning, or at least laughing, while you try to get her phone number.
If you were to picture the 1990’s in your head these are some of the classic images that would fill your mind.
See how modern video games look compared to their classic predecessors.
Several decades ago life seemed less complicated, and these classic photos bring back those halcyon times.
Back then all the heroes of your childhood would come to help you declare your love. Just curious if this would work today.
Posted in
23 Dec 2011
This “Remake” photo project offers a new look at famous classic paintings through photography. It’s interesting to see how people put their creative energy into re-staging the well-known images.
Posted in
FUNNY 25 Nov 2011
These ultra-condensed classics are hilarious.
Posted in
10 Nov 2011
While he’s only six months old, Arthur Hammond is already making a name for himself by posing in iconic movie scenes thanks to his mother Emily Cleaver. His blog is receiving 50,000 hits per month because of such movie recreations as American Beauty, The Shawshank Redemption, Rambo and The Blair Witch Project. His fame is now to the point where he is taking requests, something that he will surely appreciate once he can walk and talk.
Rambo: First Blood
We all remember the many classic video games from decades past, such as Mike Tyson Punch Out and The Legend of Zelda, but how do they stack up to today’s high tech games? Sometimes you just want to break out the Nintendo NES for old times sake.
Metal Slug VS. Battlefield 3
Posted in
23 Jul 2011
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is showing off these fantastically stylish high heels by Steven Arpad from the end of the 30s. Some of these styles could be making a comeback.
Nothing much to say apart what’s written in the title. It’s a creative work and those pics are well done and really funny. I love the one with Gollum :))