In England, a dog named Tequila adopted six piglets who were only two days old. The owner of the dog brought the baby pigs at the house because of the floods and the dog immediately started to feed them. The mother of the piglet refused to take them back afterwards. But don’t worry, the piglets are in good "paws" ;)
Creative images on the topic “Me and my dog” ))
I think, these are the most original and funny pictures with dogs. They are smart, hein :)
As they say, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Well, the owners of these dogs must be blind ;)
Anyway, it’s a very hilarious selection.
William Wegman is an artist best known for creating series of compositions involving dogs, primarily his own dog Man Ray in various costumes and poses and the others.
These obeying dog “models”, learnt to pose when they were small and this makes William Wegman’s photography unforgettable and extraordinary.
Very nice and cute pictures )
Pets in movement.
Amazing pictures.
Posted in
ANIMALS 21 Jan 2009
Great beautiful pictures that can cheer you up.
Believe me ;)
Some pictures of dogs for those who love these animals.