When you and your partner share the same interests, it can add some fun to your lives. This couple, for example, knows how to diversify their leisure time. Sarah and Thad Lawrence use Photoshop to create surreal photos and document their relationship in this hilarious way. All pictures are funny and ingenious!
You will surely enjoy the following police blotters. Most of them are really hilarious and even epic! Have a good laugh ;)
Can this be any funnier, I don’t think so ;)
Take a look.
Some of them you have surely seen in our picdumps and posts.
But we decided to put them together in one collection for your pleasure.
You should really take a look, it will certainly do you good to laugh ;)
These photos are of some very funny and embarrassing situations. The new groom is often a little frisky at these times and usually the new bride is only too willing to cooperate which makes for some hilarious scenes. As can be seen from the photos, a good time was had by all.
Great selection of for sale signs, board and fliers.
Take a look, it will surely raise your mood and put a smile on your face :)
Let’s look at a calendar with some random ordinary guys.
You’ll see it looks hilarious :)
I love people with a good sense of humor. The owners of the following boats surely know how to laugh as the names for their "floating objects" are hilarious and pretty odd.
This week we had in-flight safety instructions, today we have another portion of safety measure cards with some hilarious captions.
In case of nuclear attack, I hope you won’t take these as a guide to what to do ;))
People who are drunk always do something stupid and look hilarious just like boys and girls on these photos.
I think that animals change this world for better. Their emotions always make my heart melt! They do such hilarious “faces” that I start smiling, laughing and getting many other positive emotions myself.
This is a cool and hilarious collection of news fails. It’s quite a good laugh!
Perhaps some of you have seen funny types of badges before but I doubt you have seen any as hilarious as the ones in this post. Makes you wonder who thinks these things up. My favorite is the “YouraPeein Command” what’s yours?
Putting movie names one after another on a marquee may result in pretty funny phrases.
Here’s a proof to this :)
If you get tired of costumes, you can wear a mask. The funnier it looks the better. This guy, for example, took a picture of himself and applied a special Apple’s Photo Booth effect to stretch it. He used this photo to make a funny mask. Take a look at what he got.
Another portion of funny signs that have been modified to make us laugh and guess what, it works ;)
If you missed the first part, check it out too :)
Hilarious Modified Signs (24 pics)
A good mix of funny pictures showing people or animals doing stuff the wrong way!
Lots of epic fails and hilarious situations
Children are so sincere and innocent that you can’t stop admiring such collections of amazing and cute photos of their sweet faces!
I don’t know who thinks up the names of some cities, but apparently some of the city planners in this country have a real sense of humor. As the signs in these photos show some of the city names are hilarious. So who needs therapy, after all, humor is the best medicine.
In Pokemon games, you can rename the principal character, his rival and all the pokemons you catch. It did not take more for a guy to have fun with it..
You’ll see here how a no-life guy with way too much free time had fun creating wordplays by changing some names..
Here are some great ideas on what you can write in your bathroom. Many writings are really hilarious. Your time in such a bathroom will surely go by soooo fast!
This is a true story. It happened some time ago.
In one small English town, a crowd of people had gathered under a tree.
They thought about how to save the iguana, which they clearly saw on one of the branches.
It was decided to call emergency services. Rescuers arrived, climbed the tree and ... started to laugh.
You’ll see why after the jump.
Do you remember hilarious names given to popular movies by photoshoppers? Well, even Oscar awards 2010 couldn’t save couldn’t save other famous films from making jokes out of their titles. Check out the new funny ideas how these movies could have been named. Don’t miss this opportunity to laugh! :)