The Easter Bunnies in these photos are hilarious. Many of the children don’t seem to notice or care how funny the bunnies are as they are just happy to get their picture taken with them. Some of these costumes, however, are a laugh a minute.
If you hate additions, well I think this entry will be a good way for you to make peace with mathematics…
The idea may be very simple here, the result is hilarious.
Don’t miss it.
The webcam art in these photos are prefect examples of how some people have way too much time on their hands. I guess some folks are just strange and will go to just about any lengths to entertain themselves. Sure glad they had a webcam handy when they did.
First Part:
Some Strange Folk (29 pics + 1 video)
This picture has been very popular in the Internet for several years now.
While being hilarious itself, photoshoppers made a great work in creation of this selection of funny photomontages.
And all this started with just one picture which was later called the Mosh girl.
The photos in this post visually depict the hilarious stages of a man’s attention span from “dick hardeningly interesting” to “make it go away”. The photos along the way may or may not surprise you but I think you find them uproariously funny. Click on the post to see for yourself.
Pigs are awesome!
If you don’t believe me, check this entry.. ))
A hilarious compilation of pictures where people who drank too much ended in weird places and/or funny positions.
A Must-See!
You can take a look at those two selections about the effects of drinking too much alcohol, there’re some great pictures too:
Don’t drink too much ... (60 pics)
About dangers of alcohol (40 pics)No shirt, Mumm’s, champagne flute and a suitcase?
They are all priceless. Just take a look.
That’s the funniest story I've read lately.
I love the way the guy narrates the story, it’s funny as hell!!
Don’t miss it!
A selection of the funniest restaurants’ names and menus of different cuisines and everything that concerns food.
Would you go to one of those restaurants? ;)
Those pics were not photoshopped, they’re all real product names…
What were their creators thinking?
This is a set of funny handwritten notes and memos people leave to their neighbors, thieves roommates etc. Some of them very creative, others just hilarious.
There’s a good chance you’ve experienced that once in your life. You wanted a cool costume, but your parents did not want to (or couldn’t) buy you a costume, instead, they made you one. The thing is, some handmade costumes are really well done sometimes, but most of the time, it’s not that great…
So here is a compilation of those hilariously failed costumes. Enjoy!
Here are some pics with Halloween costumes beforehand. Some of them are funny, others are crazy and some are just ridiculous. But all of them are worth being seen :)
If you’re the owner of a bar, café, restaurant, hotel etc which has a neon sign, you’d better check if all of the letters are shining as it should be. Because if not, it may look like one of these signs ;)
Here’s another collection, which is a lot bigger than the previous one with different funny, smart, witty, stupid and ridicules T-shirts. But what makes it even funnier, it is people that wearing them ;))
Click here to see the first part.
Sometimes you should really look what T-shirt you wear.
Anyways, this is hilarious.
Check this out.
Even in the underworld, there are faces that will make you smile.
After the jump, look at the selection of the greatest mug shots ever.
Just look at the pictures of this guy’s high school student ID.
They are just hilarious. And I can understand him, the closer he gets to the end of the high school, the happier he becomes ;) Everybody was there ))
Here are several examples from the book No Regrets: The Best, Worst, & Most #$%*ing Ridiculous Tattoos Ever. The book shows different tattoos, some are funny, some are just aweful etc.
What to say, this should be seen :)
By the way, the book is available on Amazon if you like.
These are the most hilarious Easter bunnies I’ve ever seen in my life.
You need to see this. You’re not gonna regret ))