Horse stuck in mud almost entirely. They had to go to the village and get a tractor. “Iron horse” saved a village horse :)
Posted in
ANIMALS 10 Aug 2009
Apparently, there are dwarfs even among horses. Here is Koda, a dwarf horse. It is so small that people often take it for a plush toy.
Koda chooses friends by size for a walk ;)
Looks can be deceptive :)
The horse did not want to surrender so easily.
Let’s see how it all ended.
What will happen if you crossbreed a zebra and a horse mare? 
We posted a video with Garibaldi yesterday, now we have a story. The same video is below the pictures.
Garibaldi is a military stallion during a routine patrol guarding President Nicolas Sarkozy at the Elysee Palace, shook off his Republican Guard rider and ran away. A LTC Rousseau said that when a horse panics, “it whether stays among the other horses that near it or takes off to its stables”. Garibaldi seemed to choose the second option. He ran on Paris roads along the Seine and was caught 5 kilometers later.