If the Disney Princesses had Instagram, what would they say?
29 year old Martin Lavoie is a real estate broker from Canada and posts photos of his lavish lifestyle on Instagram where he uses the name MrWallStreet83!
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BLOGS 1 Mar 2013
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ANIMALS 25 Oct 2012
Shishi-Maru is a Scottish fold cat, which means he has a gene mutation that makes his ears bend forward and down. This cute cat has become an internet sensation!
Because felines enjoy living a classy life too.
Take a peak into unique worlds of the children of the wealthy parents and see how they spend their time.
The differences between the male and female approach to various things are also applied to the way men and women use the popular photo service.
These hilarious images suggest the new filters that Instagram, which since recently belongs to Facebook after a mind-boggling $1 billion deal, is now bound to provide to facilitate the creation of typical Facebook photos.