These kids have a very creative father, photographically speaking. They are shown in this post doing some crazy things and are enjoying every minute of it. How the father managed some of them is beyond me.
Nice collection of Google logo drawings created by kids.
Do you know who is even more terrifying for young kids than the guy from Elm Street? It's a pretty smiling hair-dresser with a pair of scissors in her hands. There's nothing worse for a toddler than his first haircut. Don't believe me? Check this out.
Posted in
BLOGS 13 Aug 2010
Kid Smashes Through A Windshield. And will have to Buy a new one to his friend...
Awil Salah Osman is an ordinary boy in Somalia. He looks like so many other boys in the world, with ripped-up cloths and eyes eager for attention. But he is different. Awil is carrying a fully loaded Kalashnikov rifle, because he works for a military that is financed and armed by the United States of America. He is only 12 years old, but he is already responsible for his checkpoint and stops the drivers who are trying to sneak past it.
It’s a well-known fact that radical Islamist insurgents in Somalia pluck kids off soccer fields and turn them into fighters. Awil isn’t a rebel. He works for Transitional Federal Government in Somalia and is paid only $1.50 a day. But hundreds of other children come on the front lines in Africa in the age of 9. It’s normal here for children to carry a gun, as they have no other option.
Everybody is probably afraid of getting a bad haircut. But when you are an adult, you can talk to your hairdresser and discuss your future hair style. But if you are a child and if this is your first haircut ever, you react differently. How? Go inside this post to see.
It is a very topical issue today when the summer heat came in force.
These pictures were taken in New York in 1953 and show children having fun with a fire hydrant and fighting with a heat wave back then. I guess, not much has changed since then, I would love to do this too. It feels good, plus it is fun.

Children can create some very disturbing drawings. What are they thinking about while drawing something like these images inside this post?

You said political incorrectness?
I say pure awesomeness!!
Your kid won’t get it, but I’m sure you will…
Have a good laugh!

Kids who are left unattended can be a nuisance and require a lot of attention. I suppose that is why the signs in these photos are so funny, to make light of a bad situation.

Politics is as boring for a child as are Teletubbies for grown-ups! And as if it wasn’t enough, politicians love to use them to show they are good and caring people with a big heart.
But assisting to a political event and being kissed or taken in the arms of a politician is not the cup of tea of any child!
Look how “happy” those kids are…

This is a very interesting set of pictures with children. They’ve been captured on photos by different artists but all are very creative and original.
Childhood seems so far away…
The Garbage Pail kids in these photos are nothing short of disgusting. I don’t know who collects these things but they need to find a new hobby. They don’t even have a face a Mother could have.
The middle finger has a language all of its own that everyone understands. We had already pictures with adults showing the finger and this time it’s kids.
I won’t profess to speak to the appropriateness of the gesture but it is clearly understood by all. Especially by those who receive it. 
It is a natural fact that all kids love candy. However, is also a fact that not all kids have the luxury of being able to eat candy or in many cases even enough food to eat. People who live in third world and other poor countries simple don’t have enough money to be able to afford such luxuries as candy for their children. They are lucky if they can afford a roof over their heads and food to eat. That is why there is candy for some, but not all

Roddler is nowadays the coolest stroller built for kids.
There are several types of Roddler which you’ll see on the pictures inside the post.
Though, it is a little bit pricey: from $2,000 to 2,500; But I think it’s worth it. 
Those photos were taken in a train somewhere in Northern India. They show homeless Indian kids begging for money.
Maybe those pics will make you think of Slumdog Millionaire if you’ve seen the movie.
Anyway, it’s quite sad..
It looks like a children’s book but it’s actually an ad for Beate Uhse – a German adult TV channel!
Kids won’t see it, but you will, that’s for sure ))
Very cute pictures of fathers with their children. It is something usual to see a mother with her child on a picture, but when you see a father so loving and caring, it is someway even cuter. And sometimes, when they play with their children, they also remind ‘big kids’ themselves :)
Ross Horsley, an English librarian, has revised the concept of ‘My First Dictionary’.
It’s quite the same, one picture and one definition, except this time, kids should never see these definitions! :))
It’s really great stuff though, so don’t miss it!
Here are some pictures of redhead kids.
They are so funny :)))
I liked these three shots. Nice view )