Military Medical Vehicles (46 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       15 Mar 2010       16329


I have always thought that ambulances look the same way for civilian and military employees. Now, as I see real military ambulances, they remind me of District 9 trucks. Do you also think that these medical units are overprotected?


Military Medical Vehicles (46 pics)

The Annual Winter Military Exercises in South Korea (14 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       12 Jan 2010       16037
South Korea conducts annual winter exercises. More than 200 soldiers a month have received special military training.
Soldiers had a lot of things to go through, because these were truly Spartan conditions.

The Annual Winter Military Exercises in South Korea (14 pics)

The Battle Mug (15 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Dec 2009       12216
Here is what the description says: “Battle Mug starts as a 13.5 pound solid block of 6061 T6 billet aluminium before it enters a state of the art CNC facility which produces specialized parts and equipment for the U.S. Department of Defense, major weapons manufacturers, NASA…etc. Built to military specifications, Battle Mug features a M1913 rail interface system which allows the operator to mount a standard issue M4 carry handle, tactical light, laser device...” Each unit costs $279.
Tempted? ))

The Battle Mug (15 pics)

Air cooler (5 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       6 May 2009       11174
It’s hot? Thanks to this device, American cops, military etc. cool themselves.
How exactly do they use it you will see after the jump.

Air cooler (5 pics)

Military humor (85 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       26 Feb 2009       37433
A great series of pictures to laugh at.
However, I didn’t know that they have sense of humor laugh1

Military humor (85 pics)
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