These are some of the most humorous quotes by the funniest comedians of all time. They were all said during a movie that the comedians were in. The quotes are sometimes rather racy but they are very funny.
Posted in
14 Jul 2011
New York photographer Gregory Crewdson makes impressive photography works about American myths, showing the downside of American dream thanks to the surrealism touch.
Posted in
7 Jul 2011
These movie posters were made by Tomasz Opasinski. Some of them are old and some are newer but they are all classics.
Posted in
6 Jun 2011
The author of these illustrations, Justin Reed, has started created paintings “specifically for use as posters” based on famous movies. They all look great and very creative.Check them out.
Posted in
11 May 2011
It’s officially blockbuster summer movie season with the open of Thor in the US. Here is what the summer’s movie posters would look like if they were done Lego style. They are rather interesting.
These are some absolutely beautiful houses that were used in some famous movies. Apparently Hollywood spares no expense when it comes to renting houses for their movies. They are gorgeous houses.
Home Alone
It’s been 20 years since “Hook” was released, and what better way to impress your friends than by unleashing these fun movie nuggets on them.
These are a few original ways on how to win a dead girl from movie The Ring.
Can you solve this quiz and find all the 50 movie titles that are hidden on this picture?
This is no a secret that movie studios make remakes and sequels of the movies that became classics and already bring a lot of money. But they will continue to do this as long as it works. So check out a little collection of movies from the future.
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BLOGS 26 Dec 2010
These are some things that you probably didn’t know about the movie Edward Scissorhands. Things like where it was filmed, who all wanted the part, and who made there last appearance in the movie.
Check out interesting facts about Home Alone movie.
Someone tried to illustrate his reaction to different movie endings. You can agree or disagree with these emotions after the jump.
Which one of these movies is your favorite? You can find this out by doing a little oldie-of-the-day math test. Good luck!
These are some behind the scenes photos from Star Trek. They are proof positive that the characters in the popular series and new movie are real people just like you and me. It does show that there is a tremendous amount of work that goes into making the show.
Can you imagine different websites getting a dramatic movie adaptation? I think it will be cool. Some of the examples of such transformations can be found inside this post.
This will give the people who never think about what goes on behind the scenes of a movie that is being made a little insight. These are rare behind the scene photos of the Star Wars saga Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. It all looks so easy on the big screen.
These are some rare photos of your favorite Star Wars characters. What makes them rare is that some of them were taken during production of the movie, while others were taken of the characters during breaks in between takes and yet others were taken off set. They are indeed rare Star Wars photos.
These posters of movies are rare and almost unknown.
These movie illustrations are pretty interesting. Maybe some of them are way too obvious, but others are still way too cool! The following minimal posters are created by designer and art director Pedro Vidotto from Brazil.
These fans prove that they love Avatar movie a lot. I enjoyed this film too, but would I paint my face in blue color and add some sparkling dots to look like this? I doubt it...