The series “Just Between You And Me – Objects of Co-dependency” by Keetra Dean Dixon is original and well found.
Those objects are not very convenient but after all, that was not the purpose ))
Take a look at his work inside the post.
Shadows in combination with certain objects, and with a certain angle, can give very unexpected picture.
Here, take a look ...
Here's the Apple iPhone 3G Kings Button, retailing for about $2.4 million. And now rendered obsolete by the Apple iPhone 3GS.
Excellent illustrations that clearly show a simple truth - things look somewhat different when we are drunk.
Pictures of funny, unusual, extraordinary people and objects that surround us.
The man is an excellent generator of debris.
Interesting photos of various objects created by man, then abandoned.
Here’s a special kit to make your beloved jealous.
Well, I think it will fit more if you want to get rid of your other half ;)
A series of pictures concerning equilibrium.
Some are funny, some are very impressive!
Great pictures. You absolutely must see these pictures
I admire people who are capable of doing something or anything with their hands, especially when it’s really beautiful.
Last time I made a post with 4 Russian guys who make some pretty cool stuff, this time it’s an American who’s doing it. You should like it, it’s legen-dary ;)