These photos give one a retro look at our visions of the future from yesteryear thru the artwork from Soviet and European popular tech and science magazine illustrations dating from the ‘30s thru the ‘70s. In other words what we thought the future would look like when we thought about it years ago. They provide an interesting perspective of where we are and what we can expect in the future.
If you enjoyed “WTF Retro Pictures”, we think you will enjoy these as well. Can you imagine the nerve of the people playing tennis on the wing of a flying airplane, or the hilarity of an obese man riding a mini bike? And my but didn’t the girls go wild over rock and roll stars of days gone by. How ridiculous is it to have a bear taking a picture of a little boy or one of the first flying saucers? Equally amazing are a cowboy and his horse drinking from the same pond. Ah, the good old days. It is truly amazing that mankind survived them, yet we have such fond memories of them.
These unique prints from the Pennington Photo Studio were accidentally discovered just recently.
At the beginning of the last century, two photographers William Pennington and Lisle Updike traveled to four states: Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona, photographing the Indians.
It is these prints that you are going to see inside the post. Beautiful photographs and interestingly enough, they have an excellent quality. Look.
That’s how would the Daily picdump look if Izismile existed 50 years ago
Do you want to see in what conditions office staff used to work, to see the equipment of the time?
Then go inside the post. By the way, there are a lot of pretty girls, mostly secretaries ;)
Very beautiful. Retro theme.