Deer Saves Rodent from Drowning (4 pics)

Posted in ANIMALS       6 Oct 2012       11123

A deer in the Idaho zoo rescued the small animal that he found trapped in his drinking water, lifting it gently out to safety.


Deer Saves Rodent from Drowning

Caplin Rous – a famous Capybara (71 pics)

Posted in ANIMALS       16 Oct 2009       57260
The Capybara is the largest living rodent in the world. Its closest relatives are chinchillas and guinea pigs. Its common name means "master of the grasses" in the Guarani language while its scientific name, hydrochaeris, is Greek for "water hog". Adult capybaras may grow to 130 centimetres (4.3 ft) in length, and weigh up to 65 kg (140 lb). The top recorded weight is 105.4 kg (232 lbs).
And this one named Caplin Rous (pronounced rose) is quite famous in the Internet

Caplin Rous – a famous Capybara (71 pics)

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