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FUNNY 24 Nov 2017
Posted in
7 Dec 2016
Sleeping time of animals highly vary between different species. There can be big differences even between closely related species. Let’s take a look who sleep the most and who is more active.
After Lili (grey) and Renley (ginger) were adopted they became inseparable. Even though they outgrew their bed, they insist on sleeping together.
Posted in
18 Aug 2016
Posted in
13 Jul 2016
Posted in
VIDEO 14 Apr 2016
Posted in
VIDEO 4 Mar 2016
A girlfriend made a special Twitter account to tweet all random stuff her boyfriend says in his sleep. After he found out about that, he became said “because no one really reads them.”
Posted in
VIDEO 27 Aug 2015
Posted in
VIDEO 27 Sep 2013
Definitely the cutest video of the month!
Posted in
22 Mar 2013
Nick DeMarco is the designer behind this innovative desk that caters to office employees who want to capitalise on a midday catnap.
Posted in
FUNNY 13 Jun 2012
Apparently many people in China take naps throughout the day in all kinds of weird places and positions. No wonder the country is growing so fast.
This cat notices nothing if it wants to sleep. Its sweet dreams are very cute and sweet to observe. It even has no problems sleeping in the car.
Where would you like to sleep if you are a student? Asians have chosen a special place where to get their "zzz's". Maybe they sleep here better, I don’t know.
Other students that like sleeping in the library:
Sleeping in the Library (45 pics)
Students’ brain can’t take and hold too much information, especially during finals and there comes a point when it simply goes “z-z-z” in the campus library.
The poor doggie wants to eat but her owner is a big sleeper.
But this dog doesn’t give up easily!
Do you have to wake up early in the morning to go to work? Are you too sleepy and dream about having a nap? There is a solution that can help you to sleep at work and go unnoticed by other co-workers.