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FUNNY 2 Aug 2012
Posted in
FUNNY 26 May 2012
Whether they are spinning in the air or chucking some sort of ball these athletes all managed to make some darn funny facial expressions.
Amidst the frenetic action of these various sports someone managed to snap a picture at the perfect time.
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VIDEO 5 May 2012
These fans take losing to heart and it shows on their poor little depressed faces.
Car accident which resulted in the body paralysis didn’t stop Barry West from engaging into really adventurous activities. The man has taken up paragliding, skydiving, abseiling, kayaking, skiing – this list goes on. What can I say here? Keep it up, Barry and kudos to your friends who help you with all that stuff.
Posted in
1 Mar 2012
Do you want to play bowling? Now, you can play it without going to the bowling hall. Have fun!
Posted in
FUNNY 21 Feb 2012
You may even think that it was all done purposely to entertain us.
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VIDEO 27 Jan 2012
It’s in all ways a win in my opinion.
Posted in
VIDEO 9 Jan 2012
Better when watched in full screen and HD
Posted in
18 Nov 2011
Sports disciplines are one of the most difficult to capture on camera. Everything happens so fast, you have to snap your picture just at the right moment. These great shots are the best examples of excellent and simply amazing sense of time.
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7 Nov 2011
These are photos from ‘Weird Sports’, a book by Oregon photographer Sol Neelman who documents sports culture around the world and gives us a chance to see some of the most unusual and odd sports activities.
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FUNNY 2 Nov 2011
A quick glance at these sports photos will make you wonder whether or not there is something more going on between the participants. However, sports is the place for both agony and ecstasy.
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BLOGS 16 Sep 2011
Funny Hilarious Sports Photos
Life can be full of unpleasant surprises for many of use. But it doesn’t mean that we should give in. No! We should fight and get over the bad times we have. Look at these people. They are a perfect example of a strong will.
As these photos show, different sports require different body types. They are all athletic just different. You can almost tell the sport the person is involved in from their body type. At least you can tell the body builder from the swimmer. To see the picture in big, click on the green cross in the top right of the picture.
I admire photographers who manage to take sports photos that truly depict the beauty of the games. This year, as usual, was full of great moments brilliantly captured by photographers from all over the world. Those pics are a real pleasure for the eyes.
These are some very funny sports fan signs. These folks must stay up late at night thinking these clever sayings up. They make fun of everything from the other team players to the referees to the person sitting next to them.
The fans of any sports can be extremely funny and freaky at the same time.
These sports posters are from the 1980s and 1990s and are just a little weird. Sports figures posing as gangsters or superheroes seem a little unsettling.
This is an interesting collection of photos taken during sports events.
Most of those unusual pictures are funny and a few are very rare.
Hope you will enjoy this collection as I did..
Over 500 athletes from 44 different countries from around the world have descended on Vancouver Canada, for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Paralympic Games. Following a separate opening ceremony and torch relay, competitors faced off in five different sports: Cross country skiing, Biathlon, Alpine skiing, Wheelchair curling, and Sledge hockey. The last three are broken down into classes of the visually impaired, standing, and sitting. The Winter Paralympics will continue until the Closing Ceremony on Sunday March 21st.
Crashed Ice is a winter extreme sporting event sponsored by Red Bull, which involves downhill skating in an urban environment, on a track which includes steep turns and high vertical drops.
Now let’s see some pics of the event that took place this year in Munich.
And here’s the second big part with great shots made at the right moment.
If you liked this part and you missed the first part, check this out.