Posted in
VIDEO 1 Oct 2013
Posted in
VIDEO 17 Jun 2013
Well, 2 firetrucks, 10 firemen and a third smaller vehicle with special water rescue equipment.
Posted in
BLOGS 30 Sep 2012
My attempt at being a film director when everything went not according to plan of course!:)
Pyotr Pankratov, a former Belarusian Special Forces warrant officer, saved this abandoned squirrel from death several years ago. Since then the animal called Masik has been the man’s best friend. Pyotr left the army three months ago and works as a taxi driver now, and Masik accompanies him all the time.
The guy thought his coworker was just looking for a ridiculous excuse why he was late for work. Never could he imagine this would actually be true.
A man has noticed a troubled baby squirrel on a rock near the stream at the backyard of his house. When he came closer, he saw another squirrel trapped under the rocks and drowning...
Posted in
VIDEO 2 Jul 2012
Posted in
VIDEO 4 Nov 2011
Posted in
ANIMALS 17 Sep 2011
Being one of the most frantic and skittish animals around, it’s hard to imagine that people were able to capture even this many quality images of these squirrelly creatures. See which of these cool action shots appeals to you the most.
What do you think this man from London photographs with such an enthusiasm?
Photographer Justin Minns has saved a squirrel when it fell down the tree and broke its leg. He took care of the animal, and now the squirrel lives in his house together with his cat. The saved pet freely walks around the house and steals snacks.
This mother cat has adopted this baby squirrel. The squirrel had fallen out of a tree and the woman of the house tried to feed it with an eyedropper. When that didn’t work, she remembered that she had a cat who was nursing some kittens. She placed the squirrel with the mother cat and the cat began nursing the baby squirrel. Mother cat and squirrel have been doing fine every since.
Posted in
ANIMALS 26 Aug 2010
Who would have thought that cats and a squirrel could play together so peacefully? Well, as the adorable photos in the post prove they absolutely will. The friendly cats even allow the squirrel to share their food.
I would love if this little thing came to my window in search for food.
I’d make it a big royal dinner for it to come next time ;))
“Hey guys, look how cute I am” ))
Remember this photo of the squirrel that put its face between the camera and a couple in Canada’s Banff National Park? We published it last week in one of our daily picdumps. This pic is actually super famous and made its way all around the web!
It’s so popular now that lots of people have made photomontages with this famous squirrel popping in diverse photos, known or not. Here is a collection of those pics.
If you are inspired, you can even make some by yourself very easily thanks to this website: The Squirrelizer.
And you can send them to us to this address: admin@izismile.com. If there is enough good content, we will make another selection that will be de facto YOUR selection. So, give it a try!
A dog wanted to play with a baby squirrel but…
Mama squirrel didn’t like it and jumped on the aggressor.
And how did it all finish you’ll see after the jump ;)