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VIDEO 2 Apr 2012
A woman from southeastern England woman called 999 to report her snow man was missing. She said she didn’t think anyone would nick her snowman, but she was wrong. When she went outside to have a smoke she noticed the snowy man was missing.
Apparently a college student had his car broken into and someone stole his laptop computer. So the owner decided to leave the thief a message outlining the error of the thief’s ways. It is absolutely hilarious and should make the thief consider changing his ways.
Posted in
BLOGS 14 Sep 2010
Some thief tried to assault this girl and to steal her purse.
See what’s happened further.
This Myers family’s taking a timed shot of themselves outside the Capitol building.
Little did they know that it would be heir best timed picture. You wanna know why?
Take a look inside the post.
A guy robbed a small computer store the other day but the way he did it was more than pathetic.
He didn’t even bother to unplug any cords, so he had to struggle to get the monitors free and he nearly fell over tables… what a mess he left behind!
The cost of the damages to the building is more important than the cost of what he stole - he took for $6,000 of Apple products but the owner says damages to the building are probably around $10,000!
And last thing, police officers might be able to zoom in on the license plate of the truck…
If he wanted to imitate those thieves who cleaned out an Apple store in 30 seconds, then he failed big time!
Posted in
ANIMALS 19 Oct 2009
Look after the jump how this big thief did his job. Even the police was surprised…
You should always be careful with seagullls. Whether this penguin didn’t know that or he was simply shocked of such impudence.
But one thing is clear, that day he was left without dinner.
He’s definitely the loser of the day. Car thief got caught by himself.
Look inside the post!
In the United States, thieves stole the wheels from a completely new car.
But the insolence of the act is that those thieves did it on the territory of the BMW car shop.