The power of train (9 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       15 Sep 2009       19938
Although the experiment was quite dangerous (the train could go off the rails), but the pictures turned out to be very good.
Various objects (bottles, apples, stones) were put on the rails just before a train passes at a high speed smashing them and turning those objects into dust. High-speed photography was used to make these great shots.

The power of train (9 pics)

Journey on the Orient Express (33 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Sep 2009       38049
Journey to the Orient Express has always been something more than just a trip.
The route passes through the most beautiful cities of Europe - Paris, Rome, Venice, Vienna, Budapest, Prague and Istanbul. The train has a great comfort and luxury.
For five memorable days spent on the Venice Simplon-Orient Express, a couple should pay €13.160. The price of a ticket for one person is of €8.350.
And now I propose you to look at this beauty.

Journey on the Orient Express (33 pics)

Russian Rail Station (5 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       23 Jul 2009       7851
This is Kursky Rail Terminal in Moscow.
And that is how people had to ‘climb’ on the train because of the rebuilding works that are taking place there.

Russian Rail Station (5 pics)

Horrors of overpopulation (7 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       16 Jul 2009       16593
As an example of the nightmare of overpopulation, I want to show you how the Chinese are traveling in trains 36

Horrors of overpopulation (7 pics)

Extreme strolling (5 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       24 Jun 2009       10168
A woman was returning home with a shopping bag and I do not know if she was in her normal state or not but that day could have ended badly for her ...

Extreme strolling (5 pics)

WTF in a train wagon?! (5 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       19 Jun 2009       12264
We often have posts about China and there is nothing surprising, because you won’t see the most of such things anywhere else.
This time, we will see a train wagon and something unexpected in it.

WTF in a train wagon?! (5 pics)

Transport for the poor in Cambodia (15 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       11 Jun 2009       9891
Poor rural residents living near the railway tracks have developed an interesting means of transportation.
Most importantly is to clear the rail track quickly before a train arrives.

Transport for the poor in Cambodia (15 pics)

The Pride of Africa (37 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       9 Jun 2009       12077
I was quite impressed with this train. It can be truthfully called – the Pride of Africa!
The Pride of Africa is a luxury train which is run by Rovos Rail. It is billed as the World's Most Luxurious Train. It travels through South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania.
Rovos rail was established in 1989.

The Pride of Africa (37 pics)

Two optical illusions

Posted in PICTURES       13 May 2009       64777
The first one is simple and amazing.

Two optical illusions

Baby elephant was ran over (6 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       27 Apr 2009       8870
A baby elephant was hit by a train in India.
With the help of a crane, the injured animal was taken to the local zoo for treatment.
It’s not an easy work to transport, even a small elephant!

Baby elephant was ran over (6 pics)

A restaurant with trains (10 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       21 Apr 2009       5848
An excellent idea. Very interesting and unusual.
You write down your order and put it in the train. Then the bartender put the beer on the train and it arrives to you.

A restaurant with trains (10 pics)

Idiot of the day (13 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       24 Mar 2009       9726
Stories with blonds will never stop. But this blond has gone too far. She lied down between the rails before the train coming.
And all this for what? To show her “buddies” how cool she was!

Idiot of the day (13 pics)

Man survives in a freakish accident (4 pics + 1 video)

Posted in PICTURES       6 Mar 2009       10133
The day before yesterday we already put the video of this incident.
But now I got the details.
“Propelled sideways, the truck sweeps over 32-year-old Cem Tokac, who was standing beside the tracks.
Amazingly, he was swept underneath the truck between its wheels.
The train then missed him by just inches, meaning Tokac had cheated death twice.
He survived with just bruises and a scratch to his ear.” [Mail online]
I watched this video several times and thought that the man actually had died but as I wrote earlier he survived, a pure miracle.
I found some pictures and put once again the video made by surveillance cameras for those who didn’t see it.

Man survives in a freakish accident (4 pics + 1 video)

Strange railroad incident (7 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       16 Feb 2009       7827
One of the versions of this incident is that one of the train cars used to be a boxcar and it didn’t pass through the truss. The wagon fell into the river below and the rest of it stuck in the truss.
Well, I’ve never seen something like this before.

Strange railroad incident (7 pics)

What it means: a lot of snow (3 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       9 Feb 2009       8248
The US Department of Transportation published these photos to show why sometimes there are train delays.
Edit: These are photos of the Canadian Pacific Railway, (CP) taken in the Province of British Columbia. The Tunnel in the photos is called the Mount MacDonald Tunnel. It is on the western side of Roger's Pass, in the Selkirk Mountains.
Thanks Erik de Vries

What it means: a lot of snow (3 pics)

Barack Obama is going to his inauguration (14 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       19 Jan 2009       4357
And he’s not going by plane or by car but by… train.
It is exactly the same route as took Abraham Lincoln 150 years ago from Philadelphia to Washington..
The train will make several stops in different cities where Obama will meet people.
Good move Obama )

Barack Obama is going to his inauguration (14 pics)
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