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VIDEO 13 Mar 2015
Posted in
VIDEO 24 Feb 2015
I could have titled this video: "from ugly to cute in a month".
Posted in
VIDEO 18 Jul 2014
Seriously, all supermarkets should do this!
If you didn't know it already, ugly and disfigured fruits and vegetables that don't fit the wanted standards are put to waste. That represents 300 million tons of perfectly edible fruits and vegetables thrown away each year because supposedly supermarkets can't sell them. Hopefully, that's about to change!
Posted in
VIDEO 21 May 2012
Posted in
11 Feb 2012
From the ugly to the downright bizarre, these hats are going to get their owners all kinds of attention.
Posted in
29 Dec 2011
Can’t decide which one is the winner.
Posted in
ANIMALS 10 Aug 2011
This is a naked mole rat. As you can see, it is completely hairless and looks more like a rat that has some kind of disease. But despite it being ugly, I somehow find it cute…
Posted in
ANIMALS 11 Jun 2011
Who knew there were so many unattractive animals in the world? I would not recommend taking very many of these animals as pets, or at least not showing them off to too many people. The man made images are not as disturbing, except for the nasty toe shots, yuck!
Posted in
ANIMALS 19 Mar 2011
Here’s a little list of weird looking and ugly bats. But all in their ugliness they look kinda cute.
Ghost Bat
The body bags in this post were given out in the Philippines as part of a promotion for diet pills. I think they were supposed to be a before and after photo to show how much weight the person had lost. All it really does is to show how ugly the body bag is.
I am sure that you are familiar with some of these scary looking and ugly monsters. You might have met them before, and the time has come to see more of images with monsters created by different artists. Be careful. Some illustrations are very obnoxious!
You might also enjoy the Famous Monsters from Movies on Classic Paintings.
Posted in
ANIMALS 21 Apr 2010
Here’s a selection of baby animals that can’t be said to be the most beautiful like other baby animals can be. But despite being ugly they are very cute at the same time :)
Kids are so cute in real life. I simply don’t understand how these tattoo masters could spoil the cutest faces in the world? How could these beautiful children look so horrible and even ugly in these photos? See more pictures after the jump.
Meet one of the most poisonous and also ugliest sea creatures - stonefish.
This creature of only 15-20 centimeters long with an ugly big head, small eyes and large mouth lives in the coastal regions of Indo-Pacific oceans.
They are extremely dangerous. There are cases when a person dies within a few hours or even minutes after the injection of poisonous spines.
People who are lucky enough to survive a stonefish sting often remain disabled.
I thought hairless cats were the most hideous creatures but I’ve got to say that this hairless bear is quite a competitor! In the same time, most of hairy creatures must look bad without their hair…
It may be funny at first, but it’s actually a sad story - vets don’t know why this female bear living at a zoo in Leipzig lost her hair. Moreover, it happened to all the other female bears of this zoo…
Posted in
ANIMALS 12 Aug 2009
Scotoplanes are a genus of deep-sea holothurians (sea cucumbers) commonly called Sea Pigs, Sea Pork, or Sea Swine. They live on or just underneath the surface of the bottom of the ocean, on the abyssal plain.
Some ugly creatures are also hidden in the very deep areas of the oceans.
Look at more pics of this weird creature inside the post.
You haven’t seen your idols like that before.
Even if it's only Photoshop, the photos are so beautifully made that it gives shivers down my back
As they say, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Well, the owners of these dogs must be blind ;)
Anyway, it’s a very hilarious selection.
Trying to pimp his car and make it look good, he clearly overdid his efforts )
Never do too much.
I never understood people who did such things to themselves. But everyone sees things differently.
Maybe they try to express themselves this way or just want to be noticed.
In my opinion, it’s not pretty at all and can be harmful. More pictures after the jump.
Posted in
RANDOM 18 Mar 2009
Normally, when people are talking, they don’t pay attention to the eyebrows of each other.
But if you met at least one person from this selection, you could hardly tear your eyes away from their eyebrows.