Nine 99 cents weddings for the 9th of September, 2009 (20 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       14 Sep 2009       6107
Remember in 2007, during the 7th of July, lots of people got married because of the symbolic 777 formed by the date, well, lots of people got married too for the 09-09-09 (999). But here, there are even more ‘9’ in the story: 9 couples got married in a 99 Cents Only Store (Hollywood), in the Aisle 9. The first couple got married at 8:09 a.m. The costs of each wedding: 99 cents.
That’s quite unusual, that’s original, but that’s not what I would qualify as a good idea and that’s definitely not something I would have done…

Nine 99 cents weddings for the 9th of September, 2009 (20 pics)

Another funny groom (6 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       14 Sep 2009       8518
I understand that some people want to stand out, but was it a good idea to do it this way?
The most interesting, how did the bride take it?

Another funny groom (6 pics)

Crazy groom (6 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       2 Sep 2009       14637
I think the world has gone mad.
Just look at this crazy groom from a Chinese wedding.

Crazy groom (6 pics)

Unusual Baku wedding (8 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       1 Sep 2009       15078
When I saw the pictures first I just guessed that this was a wedding because of the white dress etc, but I only see the “ladies” on the wedding and no groom. Ok, everyone can choose whatever s-he wants in life and the way they want to live it. But I just can’t understand why two guys have to cross-dress like women to marry each other. In this case, don’t they both love girls? Or am I not getting it right?
Anyways, pix are great!

Unusual Baku wedding (8 pics)

Ukrainian Star Wars themed wedding (43 pics + 1 video)

Posted in PICTURES       20 Aug 2009       13746
Generally, the traditional type of wedding is prevailed in Eastern Europe, but it just proves how popular the Star Wars saga is.
So these guys from Lviv decided to immortalize the happiest day of their life with this Star Wars wedding.
I liked it, especially the dance n_wink
Recently, we posted pictures of another unusual wedding - Goth wedding (33 pics)

Ukrainian Star Wars themed wedding (43 pics + 1 video)

A big wedding (11 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       17 Aug 2009       13311
The wedding was really luxurious. The groom clearly, wasn’t greedy about the money for the wedding and paid enough to make this day memorable for life n_smile

A big wedding (11 pics)

African weddings (20 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       13 Aug 2009       15272
They are just plain weddings in a deep province, everyone is invited... ! But not everybody comes...
The more people have come, the more they respect you and more money they will give you as a gift.
But until you built a house and paid for the wedding (it costs about 5 thousands bucks) any father won’t give away his daughter to you.

African weddings (20 pics)

Goth wedding (33 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       6 Aug 2009       46752
This unusual wedding took place in Russia.
The bride said that instead of the March of Mendelssohn, they went under the Love of My Life by Queen.
By the way, they have a little baby.
I don’t really like the Gothic fashion, but in this case it looks not bad at all

Goth wedding (33 pics)

Unusual trend – the world of “miniature brides” (15 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       5 Aug 2009       9135
The idea is simple, but the photos (if you have some imagination) are cool.
The concept consists of a photo of a couple in any situation you want but with the groom looking like a giant next to the bride or the bride looking like a fairy next to the groom, your choice n_smile
Though, the bride here looks like a man’s toy, which can be seen as offensive for women…
So, what d’ya think? Cool or creepy?

Unusual trend – the world of “miniature brides” (15 pics)

The cheapest wedding ever (3 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       17 Jul 2009       15469
Rushby, 48, and Jane Barton, 52, after 15 years of living together have decided to get married.
Only two guests were invited at the wedding ceremony with who the newlyweds had a great party in a pub (they ate fish with chips).
In general, the entire wedding cost £ 168.50. Here is a photo in the registry office. Then we’ll look at their “vehicle” and wedding rings ))

The cheapest wedding ever (3 pics)

The beauty of the wedding (4 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       12 Jun 2009       11400
At first sight, it seems to be an ordinary wedding
But if you look closely…
I hope they have found happiness.

The beauty of the wedding (4 pics)

Wedding of a Chinese “oligarch” (28 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       18 May 2009       14958
According to the cars that are on the pictures, all the local rich attended this wedding

Wedding of a Chinese “oligarch” (28 pics)

Sad story of a wonderful fiancée Katie Kirkpatrick (11 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       24 Apr 2009       100052
Katie Kirkpatrick Godwin, 21, delayed her terminal cancer just to celebrate the happiest event of her life.
Katie had chased away cancer once, only to have it return - to clog her lungs and grab hold of her heart.
Breathing was difficult now, she had to use oxygen.
The pain in her back was so intense it broke through the morphine that was supposed to act as a shield.
Her organs were shutting down but it would not stop her from marrying Nick Godwin, 23, who was in love with Katie since 11th grade.
Five days later, Katie died.
She did not allow the disease to interfere with her life, to deprive her from hope or faith.
She had a beautiful wedding, she loved so strongly and she gave love.
And love doesn’t die. That’s how Katie struggled with cancer.

Sad story of a wonderful fiancée Katie Kirkpatrick (11 pics)

Wedding – it’s so beautiful!!! (19 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       13 Mar 2009       11724
Wedding – it’s so beautiful!!! (19 pics)

Prom outfits in ghettos and from one wedding in Nigeria (48 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       20 Feb 2009       21406
Ok, they are not discreet, so what…I like it (not all, but still).
For example, the white costume of grooms are cool and very classy…

Prom outfits in ghettos and from one wedding in Nigeria (48 pics)

The extraordinaire « limo » (19 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       19 Feb 2009       11488
It’s old fashioned now to have normal limos for weddings. People want something new.
That’s why new and original things are invented all the time.
At least, a wedding with such limo will be remembered ;)

The extraordinaire « limo » (19 pics)

Amusing pictures from weddings (100 pics)

Posted in PICDUMPS       3 Feb 2009       50426
Great collection of wedding pictures or, more likely, of the wedding funny moments.
A lot of humor and funny stuff 41

Amusing pictures from weddings (100 pics)
Amusing pictures from weddings (100 pics)
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