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FUNNY 12 Aug 2011
These are some of the weirdest cookbooks that you’ll ever see. Everything from cooking with poo to a Star Trek cookbook.
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RANDOM 26 Jul 2011
Some people are just plain nuts. Therefore, it’s no wonder that they do some nutty things. This collection of weirdoes is no exception.
These days, apparently anything goes as far as haircuts are concerned. These haircuts look like someone dared them to get as weird a haircut as they could.
These are some very weird and strange things that could only happen in New York. They are awkward, interesting, and funny all at the same time.
There is a reason that adults should be good role models to their kids; so they don’t end up doing stupid crap like these idiots. I hope nobody of them was hurt and everything worked out in the end.
Planking is one of the weird games that people play on the internet and it is quite popular on Facebook. Planking is described as the practice of lying down flat with arms to the side, to mimic a wooden plank. An interesting part of the game is posting a photograph of the participant on the Internet. The participants compete to find the most original and unusual location to play in. There should be as many participants as possible, and the location also needs to be as public as possible.
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20 May 2011
Have you ever wanted to stand out in a group of people? These photoshopped images place animals, people and objects in scenes that they definitely do not belong. It is fairly easy to locate the out of place items, people and animals, and some of them are bordering on the creepy.
Yup, you have more than likely seen or at least heard about those old roadside attractions that feature the weirdest people in the human universe and possibly beyond. Here is a collection that should shake up your day.
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ANIMALS 19 Mar 2011
Here’s a little list of weird looking and ugly bats. But all in their ugliness they look kinda cute.
Ghost Bat
You never know what you might find inside a meal for a child. Here are just some of the many odd toys given to children in a happy meal at fast food restaurants. When you read this you might have fond memories of eating out. These aren’t added in any order of oddity, they just seemed to scream Happy Meal to us!
This guy is just a little weird. He has thought up the strangest thing to do in the rain. Surely the people who see him perform this act must think he is nuts. Who knows, maybe its something that is in the water.
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RANDOM 26 Jan 2011
This is a collection of odd commercials, artworks, and everything in between. Warning, don’t drink while viewing these you might make a mess.
We have all taken a bus ride or two in our lives. A school bus, city bus, and even a Greyhound to visit loved ones. In all those trips I bet none of us has ever ridden in anything like the wild buses that we have listed for you today.
These are some of the 1,075 photographs taken by Taryn Simon who spent 5 days last year taking pictures of cargo seized or detained from express mail and passengers entering the USA from abroad at Kennedy airport. All the photos were shot for the project “Contraband”. Some of these counterfeit and prohibited items are weird, others are just hilarious.
Lard, Ukraine
These posters contain some of the strangest and bizarre propaganda of all times. Some deal with the military, some deal with everyday life, and they are all very old and rather funny. Remember that loose lips sink ships.
A pretty huge quantity of photos is taken during the most special day of your life and you may find some awesomely weird, funny and awkward shots among them, whether they were made on purpose or not. Anyway, here are some of the best of these pictures.
There’s a little bit o f everything in this selection, but what gathers them is that they all are related in one way or another to school: from awkward yearbook photos to funny party pics and many others, you’ll see it all!
These are certainly some weird looking plant and animals that are found it nature. To say they are unusual is an understatement. There is only a couple that I recognize at all.
Midwife toad
The male midwife toad carries fertilised eggs on its back to protect them from predators.