I wonder how the Bolivian police managed to detain the offender, a suspect in the murder of a taxi driver, basing on such a facial composite.
A woman, who lives near the place where the body had been found, drew a portrait of the alleged assassin for the police.
Journalists have already called this sketch as the worst photofit in the world. You will look at it after the jump, there is also a small bonus: a few different mind-blowing photosfits.
Here is a cool collection of some of the worst things ever! ))
There’s a bit of everything in there. Some pictures are priceless!
Take a look, it’s fun.Worst sweater

Inside the post you will see the ten best and ten worst cities of our planet, according to Mercer's 2009 Quality of Living survey.
Let's start with the best cities. So, the tenth place is going to Sydney, Australia.10. Sydney, Australia

Australia's largest city, with a population of nearly four and a half million, Sydney's beaches, beautiful harbour and cultural attractions - including the Sydney Opera House - are its big draws, although, according to Mercer, it is the world's 15th most expensive city.
Who nowadays doesn’t know the game, Lara Croft Tomb Raider…
Of course, this character has a lot of imitators.
For example, Alison Carroll turned out to be an excellent Lara Croft. But you will see other people who'd better not try to reincarnate Lara Croft ;)