His behavior was becoming something that could only be classed as creepy and each move he made chipped away at his chiseled appearance to the point where he was beginning to look like a weathered sculpture, his hand most certainly felt like one!

Mary made a quick escape to the toilet and made some excuse about having something annoying in her eye. Little did he know, that thing in her eye was him – he was becoming an annoyance. When in the toilet, she quickly phoned for a taxi and headed home. Soon after arriving home her phone began to ring. She answered it and it was her date asking if everything was ok because she had been in the toilet for some time.

She replied with “oh I didn’t mean the toilet in the bar, I meant the toilet at home”. That was the last she ever heard from the guy but Mary made a much needed escape at the right time.

Taxi For Mary Or Maybe Even The Handsome Date – You Decide!