“My husband’s fully reflective iridescent rain set.”
“Splitting firewood and found a piece resembling the sky in "The Starry Night".”
“My university sent me a wallet-sized diploma.”
“I have this Onion newspaper box with the last ever print issue still in the display window.”
Izismile Videos
“My mom has two vacuum’s from the same company with nearly a 100 year age difference.”
“The way this ice has formed looks like a tiny forest.”
“This massive remote that my grandma uses.”
“This rooftop for bicycles so the saddle won't get wet.”
“I built a solar-powered paddlewheel for my canoe.”
“My painter dad making the soup looking like Edvard Munch's "the scream"”
“My periodic table shower curtain has the element of surprise on it.”
“This triangular shadow under my windowsills.”
“The wheel looks like a goose head holding a wheel.”
“A piece of my swiss army knife's handle chipped off, so I carved a dragon's head in the plastic to hide it.”
“A piece of driftwood that looks just like a seagull.”
“This sight seeing binocular is for the color blind.”
“I went hiking and found a rock/log that resembled a giant moss puppy.”
“My house turned 101 today (originally a 1920’s corner grocery).”
“Two toned deer I saw this morning.”
“A Mask Gumball Machine at the Dollar Store.”
“My Grandmother passed down her recipes on a floppy disk.”
“This .50 piece that was engraved with a mask to commemorate 2020.”
“This perfectly puffed tortilla chip that amazingly didn’t break in the bag.”
“My daughters doll came with a realistic cell phone.”
“It rained and now the grass is encased in ice.”
“I found a cake vending machine.”
“The pattern of the ice on my windscreen this morning.”
“The way the chocolate formed at the bottom of my glass.”
“This whole bulb of garlic was also one clove.”
“My 9yr old’s rock collection.”
“Accidentally parked my car beside one with the same model and nearly the same number plate.”
“This snowflake perfectly suspended on a spider’s thread.”
“This well camoflauged moth.”
“I cataloged 2020 by the quality of each day.”
“This carving of a face my friend found in the mountains.”
“Ice cube CD frozen in ice.”
“A suitcase that can measure its own weight.”
“The ice double of this sign that’s fallen forward.”
“This McDonalds hasn't been renovated since the 80's/90's.”
“My odometer finally hit all the digits!”
“This checkered pattern revealed when I cut my bacon into thirds.”
“My human dad waiting next to a Lego dad in a department store in Japan.”
“This flower in our garden looks like a laughing Shark.”
“Old glassware that has uranium mixed in it and glows under a black light.”
“A Starbucks made out of shipping containers.”
Little Shop of Horrors https://i.gifer.com/7bJy.gif