“I don’t think this chair has slept for a long time.”
“Learning some new moves”
“I asked him if he was getting good reception with his new dish. I feel like he wasn’t amused.”
Izismile Videos
“Keeping my night shift guys awake by any means necessary”
“HELP! My cat melted.”
“I guess my mom doesn’t know what ravioli is.”
“Leave me alone! I said NO Valentine’s Day this year!”
“In Target, felt like I was being watched.”
“You might be cool, but you’ll never be as cool as this doggo!”
’’Sir, if it’s not too much bother, would you care to step out of my refreshment?’’
’’My son playing hide-and-seek’’
’’First snow!’’
’’A lady’s hairdo in the background makes it look like Chewbacca is lurking.’’
“My 5-year-old daughter cut holes in her socks just in case her feet get hot.”
’’My son was invited to a birthday party to learn ’superhero’ moves, a.k.a jujitsu. He took it very seriously.’’
"The best part about working from home is having hilarious coworkers."
"Dear girlfriends and wives, pls hang ur wigs where the kids can't reach.... I nearly collapsed last night in my own house.....I thought it was Amardiorha"
’’We decided to embarrass our daughter at the airport after spending 3 months away (we don’t normally dress this way).’’
’’My mother made a Facebook account and this was her first message to me."
“Look hooman, I’m a Hawaiian sweet roll.”
’’Made a He-Man cake today. Let the hubby decorate it. The likeness is uncanny.’’
’’A Christmas card my grandma received’’
’’People are starting to comment on how late I stay at the office.’’
’’My mom’s second-grade photo from 1970 — it makes me laugh!’’
’’My toddler found a white ink pad and immediately turned into Saruman.’’
’’My doggo after spending 10 minutes outside then refusing to come back inside, even though he doubled his weight with snowballs.’’
Thank you for your valuable opinion.
Looks like he's being an excellent dad and man to me.
Thank you for your valuable opinion.
Guy without wife or kids giving advices on parenting. What a hero.
Listen, Ernestine, if you have kids, you do whatever to make them happy. If dressing in pink is part of it: so be it. This is a great dad.
maybe they had just fun
are you trying to start a gender discussion?
"B*tches" perhaps?
Get a dog and call it what you like.
It's just you Karen.
Actually, "doggo" sounds more Karen to me...