Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in Forbidden       10 Jun 2009       12599
50% of the week passed by quickly, let’s hope that the next half will pass quickly as well.
There’s nothing to say much today ) See you tomorrow.
Truthfully yours
Admin ;)

Exactly 75 years ago – June 9, 1934, Donald Fauntleroy Duck was born.
He first appeared in the Silly Symphonies cartoon The Wise Little Hen.
That’s how he looked like.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Barack Obama in 1980’s, student years. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures

Funny gif animations:

Very strange story. I think it’s fake )
To see the photos, click on the image.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Weird ad...
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Interesting image which shows national debt by country.
I didn’t know that Japan is a big debtor as well as the United States.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

And this is a real website of one company. Very cool idea )

Curiosities and bonus pictures
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden's Pirate Party, striking a chord with voters who want more free content on the Internet, won a seat in the European Parliament, early results showed on Sunday.
The Pirate Party captured 7.1 percent of votes in Sweden in the Europe-wide ballot, enough to give it a single seat. The party wants to deregulate copyright, abolish the patent system and reduce surveillance on the Internet.

Interesting links from the web:

World’s Weirdest Animal Babies
12 Superb Concept Cars
Blogs Falling in an Empty Forest
Escapee gives glimpse of North prison camps
Nikola Tesla
Father's surprise: call-girl daughter
Best Full Moon Beach Parties Around The World
The 15 Most Beautiful Flowers In The World
How to Survive in the Post-Apocalyptic World
Winged Cats, Angry Sheep, Bo Obama: The 8 Most Terrifying Animals Of The Week
10 Things To Ask For When You're On A First Date And How To Interpret The Answers
11 Best Homer Simpson Quotes About Movies and Television

Curiosities and bonus pictures
New photos of t.A.T.u (8 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Anna Kournikova (6 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Siberian carmageddon - The purpose of the race: crash the enemy’s car (31 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Lindsay Lohan exiting Cuckoo club in London. It seems she had lot of fun (10 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
POP's 'Stash – a funny and simple idea (6 pics)

Today, inside the curiosities, 2 beautiful creatures are waiting for you. It’s Kelly Brook in bikini and a lovely blonde (7 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Horror of the day. And this is the world we live in ... (13 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Jun 2009       10298
Once again we will talk about China. In many auto repair shops of the country, the child lobor is exploited.
These are only kids who come from poor families and have the dirtiest work.
My heart bled when I looked these pictures ...

Horror of the day. And this is the world we live in ... (13 pics)

Bling teeth (52 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Jun 2009       18625
Here’s a little collection of pictures with bling teeth.
I just got one thing to say: who, who in the world thinks it’s pretty or cool or whaterver…

Bling teeth (52 pics)

Photoshopped pictures of Sergey Zverev (56 pics + 1 gif)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Jun 2009       19827
Sergey Zverev, 46, is a Russian hairdresser, stylist, singer…etc quite famous in Russia but young people over there don’t really like him and often make fun of him. That’s why we can find lots of photoshopped pictures of him on the Internet. Look what Russian photoshoppers have made after the jump.

Photoshopped pictures of Sergey Zverev (56 pics + 1 gif)

The assembly of Mini cars at Oxford’s factory (23 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Jun 2009       10753
Here are some interesting pictures taken in a factory located in Oxford. You will see the process of assembly of a Mini.

The assembly of Mini cars at Oxford’s factory (23 pics)

100.000 people on one beach (12 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Jun 2009       12606
Busan or Pusan is the largest port city in South Korea.
Above you will see the pictures from one of its popular beaches – Haeundae Beach.

100.000 people on one beach (12 pics)

Funny montage - Birds with Human Hands. Part 2 (58 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Jun 2009       26624
This is the second part of birds with human arms. Another selection which is really well done.
However, if it were possible, the poor birds could no longer fly and it would be kind of creepy ;)
You can watch the first part HERE

Funny montage - Birds with Human Hands. Part 2 (58 pics)

Mercedes for glamorous blonds (13 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Jun 2009       10083
D.A.D Mercedes has released the newest models for glamorous women with big wallets.
The car is fully covered with Swarovski crystals and its cost, including the crisis discounts, is 980 thousand dollars.
They have already sold two cars for the month of June. One was shipped to China, and the other - to Japan. And you say the crisis ))

Mercedes for glamorous blonds (13 pics)

The rescue of a dog stuck in a tree

Posted in PICTURES       10 Jun 2009       5513
The poor dog could not climb down of the tree, he was too scared. So people called a service specialised in solving that kind of problems. The rescue was fast and everything ended well, but I’m still asking myself how the dog could get there ?!

The rescue of a dog stuck in a tree

Sunrises in all their splendor (40 photos)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Jun 2009       8594
I like to watch this magnificent natural phenomenon, so I was very happy to see these photos and that’s why my eyes tell me: "Thank you" ;)
Don’t miss this collection of pictures with beautiful sunrises from different corners of our planet.

Sunrises in all their splendor (40 photos)

POP's 'Stash – a funny and simple idea (6 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       10 Jun 2009       4655
POP's 'Stash – a funny and simple idea (6 pics)

Anna Kournikova (6 pics)

Posted in Babes       10 Jun 2009       8393
Anna Kournikova (6 pics)

New photos of t.A.T.u (8 pics)

Posted in Babes       10 Jun 2009       40921
New photos of t.A.T.u (8 pics)

Daily picdump (125 pics)

Posted in DAILY       9 Jun 2009       23143
Daily picdump (125 pics)
Daily picdump (125 pics)
Daily picdump (125 pics)

Let’s talk extra weight (18 pics)

Posted in Forbidden       9 Jun 2009       16728
A year ago, I had 30 kilograms of extra weight and some health problems (I could hardly walk, I was always panting, I had an arrhythmia, and lots of other stuff ).
It could not continue, I had to brace up and decide - it’s me who will be a slave of my stomach, or it’s my stomach who will work for me.
There is not a magical recipe and you shouldn’t necessarily do sports in order to lose weight, it is enough to nourish good with a healthy food.
Yes, this will take some time, but when you see the final result, you will be satisfied and proud of yourself, and most importantly, you will feel much better.
And if you have enough will power to do some sports along with your healthy nutrition, the results would be staggering. If you don’t believe my words, here are good examples (if you haven’t seen it yet, of course):
I hope that after watching this selection of photos, you will make the right choice ))

Let’s talk extra weight (18 pics)

Beauty or a beast? (4 pics)

Posted in GIRLS       9 Jun 2009       70379
Next time you’d like to get acquainted online somewhere on a meeting site, check these photos and maybe you'll think twice before meeting someone )
P. S. The photos of girls are real.

Beauty or a beast? (4 pics)

Interesting Google search queries (10 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       9 Jun 2009       12558
In the left column you will see questions from ordinary people and in the right column, you will see that some people are asking egghead questions :)

Interesting Google search queries (10 pics)

Dangers of alcohol (6 pics)

Posted in Forbidden       9 Jun 2009       11053
You never take good decisions when you’re drunk!
And it’s always the next day that we realize it…

Dangers of alcohol (6 pics)

Weird signs (22 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       9 Jun 2009       17644
Funny collection of pictures with written signs. Try to understand what they are about ;))

Weird signs (22 pics)

Unusual works in Stimpank style (45 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       9 Jun 2009       12753
"Stimpank” is the transliteration from Russian of Steampunk. If I am not mistaken, the author of these works is a Russian guy.
It is interesting to see that creativity has no limits ;)

Unusual works in Stimpank style (45 pics)

Welcome to Romania. Part 2 (57 pics+1 video)

Posted in PICTURES       9 Jun 2009       26563
Yesterday's post “Welcome to Romania” has raised a wave of discontent among our visitors from Romania. They wrote angry comments and letters and requests to refute, modify and even remove the post.
We decided not to do so, but simply to explain it.
First. We didn’t make this post by choosing a picture by picture aiming to find the “ugliest” photos. We have just republished a very old collection of pictures, which is already more than 2 years old and which has long ago been around the entire internet and was published on every second site.
Second. We did not want to offend anyone. Izismile is created for other purposes. Do not take everything so personally. If these photos exist and are all over the internet, it means that they have the right to exist on our website too. Plus, everybody knows that there are bad and good things in each country. But sometimes, it’s better to look at bad things with irony and a smile.
Third. This is not the first or the only compilation of this kind.
We already have collections about Russia and Africa.
Fourth. We have no doubt that Romania is a wonderful and beautiful country with nice and kind people.

That is what one of the visitors wrote us. I quote: "I am a big fan of your website...i always check the pics you post every morning before going to work while i drink my coffee. I think they're all amazing. Today when i checked the website i felt really offended because of the pics you posted from Romania. Although they are old and cost you alot like you said, you managed to make me and probably some other Romanian people really sad. The pictures do not reverberate how really Romania is. I hope people who check your website will not get a wrong idea about my country. It's not like the pictures shows. Your thread should have been named gipsies in Romania not welcome to Romania. I'm writing this e-mail in hope that you will find other pics to post there and show the world how beautiful Romania is..You just let some pics with gipsies to speak for themselves about how my country is...It's really wrong and it makes me really angry...Maybe you should take a look at the links below..."

Well, for everyone who wants to learn more about Romania, we have gathered the second part of photographs which gives a glimpse of the country from another angle.

Welcome to Romania. Part 2 (57 pics+1 video)

These funny animals (40 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       9 Jun 2009       8389
These funny animals (40 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in Forbidden       9 Jun 2009       12081
I’m counting days before the next weekend. I’m tired and want to have a rest. I’m joking :)
I have some news.
Yesterday, for the first time of the site’s existence I heard so many criticism, which very often was unfounded.
Well, you know that I’m talking about
this post.
All what I think about it I wrote HERE.
Today, the 2000th user will register on the site. YAHOO! (it’s not a promotion ;)) If you’re not with us yet, so click THIS LINK and register.
And if you are for the first time on the site, don’t forget to bookmark Izismile. You won’t regret it )

Even koalas like Kim Kardashian. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Angelina Jolie had a fight with Brad Pitt. There are rumors that she moved to this small house on the picture. And the house in the circle, is the house where Brad stays with kids.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Great optical illusion. Which Audi R8 is the largest?
First look at the picture and then click it to see the answer.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Funny gif animations:

A man is tried in England for having ridden his son on a sled this way on February the 6th.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

The Worst Urinal of All Time: Two dudes, shoulder-to-shoulder, facing inward at a 45 degree angle.
Yep... Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

I’m chocked and speechless.
Is it really true???

German zoo gave Z and Vielpunkt, a pair of gay Humboldt penguins, an abandoned egg to care for.
Photographs posted on Facebook of a smiling nurse flicking a V-sign over a patient during surgery have further blackened the reputation of a scandal-hit hospital.
Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures

Other pictures on the social networking site show staff pointing their backsides at the camera, while another reveals a nurse posing while cleaning a pool of blood off the floor of the operating theatre with a piece of plastic.
Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures

Interesting links from the web:
10 Most Incredible Globes: Taking Earth Day Literally
10 Truly Bizarre Scientific Studies
Lucky man marries thai twins simultaneously
Pirate Party Wins and Enters The European Parliament
Is America Over Will Ferrell?
Dance craze causes bodily harm
10 Celebrities We Secretly Want To Have Sex With
51 Ways to Tell if You're Possessed by Demons

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Eva Longoria on her boat (10 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
How to make a nacho hat? (8 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
A kart that folds into a suitcase (14 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Britney Spears during her video shoot of “Radar” (15 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Ashley Tisdale (8 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
20 unusual and creative packaging designs (20 pics)

The most horrible photos of Courtney Love are waiting for you after the jump (16 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Interesting accident (2 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       9 Jun 2009       10611
It happened in the suburb of Moscow. Luckily, the female driver was not injured. But I can’t figure out how she could put her Hyundai Getz in this position!

Interesting accident (2 pics)
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