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NSFW 28 Jan 2010
Who said all street fighters had to be the macho types. There is such a thing as female street fighters and they are beautiful when they are dressed in their street fighting costumes. The costumes are rather skimpy which makes them all the more appealing. Although the ladies in these photos are certainly beautiful, they also look like they could handle themselves in a street fight…
It is a natural fact that all kids love candy. However, is also a fact that not all kids have the luxury of being able to eat candy or in many cases even enough food to eat. People who live in third world and other poor countries simple don’t have enough money to be able to afford such luxuries as candy for their children. They are lucky if they can afford a roof over their heads and food to eat. That is why there is candy for some, but not all

It is not the cookies on a computer which I’m talking about. Little did Lady Gaga know when she made a statement that her celebrity popularity could want to make the people taste her and lick her, somebody was making serious notes.
That somebody happened to be an interesting couple who hail from Florida. They have made it possible for the world to literally take a bite at Lady Gaga or lick her in the real sense. The cookies have just about captured most of Lady Gaga’s celebrity moments.
Talk about taking the statements so seriously :)
It is not uncommon for many office employees suffer from excessive weight gain because they sit down all day while working and thus get no exercise. However, in America, there is a new type of environment is emerging which tries to address this problem. Check out the photo and you will see what the solution is. If you go inside the post you can also find more pictures. 
Posted in
NSFW 28 Jan 2010
During a cast call there are numerous activities that go on. First the beautiful women arrive dressed in their street garb. Next, they go through an amazing transformation. After hair, makeup, and wardrobe they emerge looking glamorous and very much like the movie stars and models they truly are. The women of Belarus are truly beautiful. After they have their picture taken from every angle imaginable, they have a quick meal and then return to their street clothes to go home and await that every so important phone call that will inform them if they made the cut or not. If not, another casting call awaits them.
Cabins of Boeing 747 airplanes at Air New Zealand have been seriously updated. The majority of the changes have been made to both the premium economy and the economy sections. The changes include eleven rows of Skycouches which can be converted into twin flat beds suitable for two people. However, you can also find iPod connectors, power sockets, and USB ports in each and every single coach seat.
A Floating Instrument Platform (FLIP) ship is a floating instrument platform and manned research vessel that is 355 feet long. The FLIP has been widely used to study the acoustics of whales and other marine mammals, the effects of seismic waves on the water, and heat exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean. It works by being towed out to sea and having one end submerged. The instruments and crew are located in a portion of the ship that remains above the surface of the ocean. This giant ship is most impressive.
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ANIMALS 28 Jan 2010
It is absolutely amazing how cats are able to get themselves in so much trouble. If there weren’t photos to prove it no one would believe such a thing. However, as these photos show, cats manage to get themselves in some unbelievable predicaments. While it is possible to stage a photo of a cat in a most comprising situation, these photos prove that you never know what kind of trouble your cat can get into if left to their own devices.
It offers a hostess on duty 24/7, a Jacuzzi, a sauna, a Blu ray DVD player, as many as three flat screen TVs and, above all, a comfortable room all to yourself. These luxury accommodations that have all the accoutrements of a luxury hotel are provided courtesy of a Cold War era East German airplane that has been turned into a hotel which is located at Teuge Airport, Netherlands. It is truly a unique airplane which will cost you a pretty penny should you decide you want to stay in a plane that stays grounded outside the airport.
It seems that as the world economy turns sour, the workers who do have jobs are working even harder. These photos depict the worker doing just that. Some of the jobs seem unbelievable to many of us. Some are more dangerous, others are routine and even boring. Nevertheless, the human worker is truly an amazing being that exemplifies the old adage that when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Technicians Eric Norman, left, and Dave Norman assemble a General Electric Co. GP7200 jet engine for a Boeing 777 at the company's Aviation Assembly & Test facility in Research Triangle Park in Durham, North Carolina, on Friday, Jan. 22, 2010.
Seagulls are amazing thieves. Seagulls have been known to attack people for their ice cream cones. Not only are they extremely successful at it but they will also steal anything that doesn’t move and some things that do. The photo proves that. After plucking a Puffin fish from the water the seagull gets attacked by other seagulls who want the fish. His rivals manage to distract the first Seagull enough so that the Puffin fish is simply dropped to the ground. Sometimes there just is no justice.
There can be no doubt that in winter there are numerous sights that absolutely amaze us and are quite beautiful. As the morning dew freezes on an object the result is that it can be a plethora of visual sights to behold. The wonders of nature never cease to amaze us. It makes one wonder how something like the cold that makes us so uncomfortable can also bring us such pleasure. It is truly due to The Wonders of Winter.
Many of us have taken a picture that we thought was a routine shot for the family album only to find out after it was developed that in the background of the shot was something that was uproariously funny. That is exactly what happened to many of the folks in these photos. Either that or they were lucky enough to witness something hilarious and just happened to have a camera handy to snap a picture. It doesn’t matter that these photos are only photomontages/fake, they are still uproariously funny. They kind of make you want to go “Oops!”
Fashion can be many things, beautiful, skimpy, dressy, over the top, but edible? Well that is certainly the case with the fashion statements made by the women in these photos. Every inch of the outfits worn by these women is edible chocolate. Whether made by poured chocolate or the results of hundreds of candy bars, all of these outfits are edible chocolate. This makes the fashions in these photos as delectable and scrumptious as the ladies who wear them.
How does that saying go “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”? That is certainly the case in these photographs taken in Melbourne, Australia and can be seen from the Geelong Train line. While some people see the artwork as graffiti others see it as art. Some folk want it removed and others want it to stay. This brings up another old saying; “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. Where do you come down on this debate?
Posted in
Babes 27 Jan 2010
Posted in
Babes 27 Jan 2010
In a beautiful part of southern China there are some mountains called the Southern Sky Column Mountains which have recently been renamed to the Avatar Hallelujah Mountains after the floating mountains that were featured in the blockbuster movie Avatar. The floating Hallelujah Mountains in the movie were the inspiration of a Hollywood photographer who, in 2008, shot photos of the Southern Sky Column Mountains. Now, tourists can go on a tour to see Avatar's floating mountain and learn that they were once called the Southern Sky Mountains. 
A funny illustrated guide to learn “the most feared punctuation on Earth” :))
Learning grammar has never been cooler…