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BLOGS 6 Aug 2010
As last year I'm sanding you some photos from the biggest free open-air festival in Europe - "The Przystanek Woodstock". This are only a few of my photos, if you want to see some more professional ones check: // and for more info about the festival in English check: //
Posted in
DAILY 6 Aug 2010
When pictures are taken, photographers can accidentally or deliberately capture incredible backgrounds that significantly enhance their images. Here are the most amazing examples of such photo backdrops.
This cup of coffee looks so ordinary. But you will not drink it every day. Why? Find the answer after the jump.
Guess what fishy smell attracted this dolphin?
Let’s imagine that some popular modern games were created 20 years ago. What would have they looked like?
Posted in
CELEBS 6 Aug 2010
She used to be a great English songwriter and singer. But look what she has done to herself…
This is probably the angriest cat I have ever seen. He knows how to look scary and unfriendly.
A great visual diary that documents a flight from New York to Berlin created by illustrator Christoph Niemann. By the way, you get a layover in London. It’s so hilarious and true.
These cops are just so fat. I wonder if they are actually able to chase bad guys. They surely eat too many hamburgers and donuts for lunch.
Do you have to wake up early in the morning to go to work? Are you too sleepy and dream about having a nap? There is a solution that can help you to sleep at work and go unnoticed by other co-workers.
Mongolian skinheads look so hilarious!
A detailed instruction on how you can hide your treasures at home.
Posted in
6 Aug 2010
These sushi have a surprise. The question is if you can eat them…
Posted in
6 Aug 2010
The Morgan Motor Company located in Britain doesn’t change in a changing world. Not only it is still independent, but it also makes each car by hand. A base model is about $44,000, but some cars cost up to $300,000. And people wait for over a year to get their exclusive hand-built cars with the shell made out of metal and much of the vehicle made out of wood. Working on the wood interior, workers use metal shears to individually shape a hood because each car has to be different. Every year Morgan produces about 600 cars. The company will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2011. It has a long interesting history, because it is still run by the same family: the Morgans. Founded by Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan known as “HFS”, it was then ran by his son Peter, and now it is run by Charles, the son of Peter Morgan.
A glass half filled with water. What do different people think about it? Some thoughts are pretty funny, some are just smart, and others are stupid.
These eyes are magnificent, amazing and simply beautiful.
Posted in
6 Aug 2010
All these car drivers hide from the summer heat using the most unusual and bizarre air conditioning systems. Maybe it might be cheaper to buy and install a real AC in the car rather than using such odd looking hand-made conditioners?
Owners of this apartment definitely know how to party.
More and more countries are recognizing same-sex marriages. A recent attempt of California to legalize “only marriage between a man and a woman” failed. Same-sex weddings are also officially allowed in Washington DC, Mexico City since March 2010 and Argentina since July. Inside this post you can see some of the latest photographs of gay and lesbian couples who decided to get married.
Belarus faced unusual phenomenon of butterfly invasion. Millions of small moths covered the bridge and roads surprising car drivers and bikers. This invasion didn’t last too long, but witnesses had enough time to take pictures of these strange kamikaze butterflies that were sucked by passing car radiators.
I received these pictures from my good friend Ricardo Menezes, who had an quite adventure last night with his dog, named "Bill".
He told me that the puppy wanted to solve the problem of oil leaks ;)
Posted in
BLOGS 5 Aug 2010
I don't know how to explain that, but I realy like this music and this video ;)
Posted in
BLOGS 5 Aug 2010