Perspective Confusion (31 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Sep 2010       18131

The photos in this post will have you wondering what’s wrong with your eyes. The physical objects in the photos appear to be bigger or smaller than they really are. The result is a visual illusion. That’s why it’s perspective confusion.


Perspective Confusion (31 pics)

Daily picdump (132 pics)

Posted in DAILY       22 Sep 2010       25805
Daily picdump (132 pics)
Daily picdump (132 pics)
Daily picdump (132 pics)

Little People on Vacation (37 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Sep 2010       8721

We have already posted some works of urban artist Slinkachu who makes installations of his miniature fellas around London. Now they have made a little trip around Europe.

This is an amazing art project!


Check out more of these works in the previous part:

The story of little people – a cool art project (39 pics)


The High Life - Grottaglie, Italy

Little People on Vacation (37 pics)

These funny animals (35 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Sep 2010       7649
These funny animals (35 pics)
These funny animals (35 pics)

Awkward Family Photos with Pets. Part 2 (27 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Sep 2010       16088

A new collection of funny family photos. Many of us do have some awkward photos in family albums but nothing beats these ones with pets.


Check out the first part:

Awkward Family Photos with Pets (30 pics)

Awkward Family Photos with Pets. Part 2 (27 pics)

Hilarious Mapping Stereotypes (9 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Sep 2010       18294

See how different countries and people see the map of Europe and know its geography. It’s hilarious!


Where I Live

Editorial for Süddeutsche Zeitung, June 2009

Hilarious Mapping Stereotypes (9 pics)

Spectacular Crash and Sensational Escape (7 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Sep 2010       9684

The day of the Super Sport Gold Race has become a dangerous trial to Reno Air Races pilot George Giboney. His Thunder Mustang airplane known as “Rapid Travel” went down short after taking-off. It was actually smashed to pieces on the airfield. But George got out from the wreckage unscathed. He was taken to the hospital, but you can see the photos of his spectacular crash inside this post.


Spectacular Crash and Sensational Escape (7 pics)

One Blind Cat (13 pics)

Posted in ANIMALS       22 Sep 2010       11416

This cat was born without any eyes but in spite it is doing just fine. It lives with its mother and seems to be having a fine time. They say that people who are short one sense are more acute in their others. It must be true for cats too.


One Blind Cat (13 pics)

Stylish and Creative Plump Girl (36 pics)

Posted in NSFW       22 Sep 2010       17987

Georgina Doull, a woman living in Great Britain, has started a blog to show all her creations to other people.

As creative and stylish clothes for large people are not very widespread, maybe one day her creations will be sold in shops for other plump people.


Stylish and Creative Plump Girl (36 pics)

Breathtaking Skylines from Different Countries (16 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Sep 2010       15691

Most big cities that are the world’s business centers have one common characteristic. These are skylines that offer beautiful and picturesque view of the whole city. Each skyline is unique and breathtaking. So let’s compare skylines from different countries of the world.


Shanghai, China

Breathtaking Skylines from Different Countries (16 pics)

Some of the Most Weird Websites for Dating (25 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Sep 2010       12061

This has to be some of the strangest websites for dating ever. I realize that everyone needs a way to meet their soul mate but these websites take it to the extreme. I guess it is true that there really is someone for everyone.


Some of the Most Weird Websites for Dating (25 pics)

The Life of a Sniper (30 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Sep 2010       16471

These photos show a day in the life of a sniper. They certainly don’t have it easy. Some of them are so well camouflaged it is difficult to tell that they are even there. It is also clearly obvious that they are serious, dead serious.


The Life of a Sniper (30 pics)

The World's Most Famous Blonde (24 pics)

Posted in CELEBS       22 Sep 2010       13187

Marilyn Monroe – that’s what American beauty really means.


The World

There is Hope for the Rest of Us (16 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Sep 2010       12207

This disabled couple proves that there is hope for the rest of us. He has no arms and she has no legs but what they are able to accomplish is remarkable. She takes care of him good and he’s able to do almost everything with his feet. Moreover, in their everyday life they do all the housework without any help from the others. They are an amazing couple.


There is Hope for the Rest of Us (16 pics)

Two-Dollar Gift (14 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       22 Sep 2010       15376

Here’s an idea for a little dollar box gift. All you need is only two dollar bills and some free time.

Look how to make the box after the jump.


Two-Dollar Gift (14 pics)

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