An amusing example of photo manipulation was shown by the state Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram. The photo above was taken during the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Washington two weeks ago. On the red carpet, there are the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, American President Barack Obama, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan's King Abdullah. But the same photo on the red carpet in the Egyptian newspaper looked a little different..
A man decided to build a bar in the basement. The result is really cool and great.
Posted in
CELEBS 17 Sep 2010
Let’s only imagine that superheroes were hipsters… It’s so funny!
Some robbers can’t be called this name, as they are real losers. I am talking about two guys you will see after the jump.
Today you will see Chinese factory producing fake automobile parts, and you will also get a chance to glance at how residents of the Philippines make forbidden and counterfeit weapons themselves.
The many years of war have left many scars on the country of Afghanistan. The people look tired and like they are ready for peace. Even the people selling their goods in the shops look like they are less than enthusiastic.
Our visitor David from Buenos Aires sent these pictures of his creations that he calls eco tabby. They are made of "recyclable plastic bags instead of fabris." Thanks a lot David for your pictures.
There are dozens of spacecraft orbiting our solar system. NASA and ESA take many photographs of Earth, Mercury, the Moon, Mars, Saturn and other planets. Inside this post you can see the most recent pictures from around our solar system. Some of them are closely scaled, others are millions of kilometers afar which makes them ever more fantastic and amazing.
These are some unique and clever business cards. You have to admit that after seeing some of these business cards you would be more inclined to listen to what the provider had to say. After all, anyone clever enough o come up with these business cards must be rather interesting.
Previous part:
100 most creative business cards (100 pics)
I don’t think it is very convenient to use but nevertheless it looks great.
All the ‘making of’ process is after the jump.
These are some beautiful HDR photographs. The make you feel like you could reach out and touch the person or object in the photo. They are truly amazing.
Posted in
BLOGS 17 Sep 2010
Posted in
17 Sep 2010
This was a great invention, looking movies in the bus on a big screen, not like today..
This is some incredible street are that must be seen. It is truly amazing that these street artists who supposedly have no formal training are able to come up with such amazing artwork.
Posted in
NSFW 16 Sep 2010
As they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” This is the case here.
All these girls were gorgeous before going to the university and starting to lead a sedentary lifestyle.. The result is in the pictures.
So, less junk food and sugar, folks!
Posted in
DAILY 16 Sep 2010
Fabrican, literally ‘fabric in an aerosol can’, is a product created by Spanish designer Dr Manel Torres who has spent 10 years working on it. The clothes made with his invention fit you like a second skin, it’s very ingenious, but how does it work?
British eco-pioneer Rishi Sowa began constructing his first Spiral Island in 1998. He used around 250,000 plastic bottles to build a 66x54ft (20x16m) island which was located in a lagoon near Puerto Aventuras, on the Caribbean coast of Mexico.Unfortunately, it was completely destroyed by Hurricane Emily in 2005, but not discouraged, he decided to build a new one: Spiral Island II!
Newspapers can’t be serious about everything they write. Inside you can sometimes find hilarious articles, headlines, humorous questions and answers, funny comments, in short all the funnies with newspapers. Have a good laugh!
Posted in
16 Sep 2010
Good that this driver was alone in his car when this accident happened. By the way, he was so lucky to stay alive. If the distance was shorter, this story would have a sad ending…
Trying to make their wedding the most unforgettable event ever, people do crazy things. This couple decided to organize a steampunk wedding. See the results after the jump.
This three-story building is located in Tokyo, Japan. It has its own name – 63.02º because its facade is inclined 63.02 degrees toward the front road. This allows passersby see a wide and deep view of the house that has a small building of a SOHO (2 and 3 floors) and an apartment for rent (1 floor). This project designed by Jo Nagasaka and Schemata Architecture Office is significant and unique.