Today you will see Chinese factory producing fake automobile parts, and you will also get a chance to glance at how residents of the Philippines make forbidden and counterfeit weapons themselves.
Old machines, mild steel, 12-hour working shift, manufactories without airing and conditioners, this is what Chinese fake auto parts factory looks like. You have probably guessed that the quality of the final products is pretty much the same as the environment it is made in. Do you still want to save your money on original parts by replacing them with counterfeit ones?
This place in Philippines is often called The Guns Town. For over a century local residents earn money on weapons production. They can easily make handmade guns, revolvers, and rifles. And even though local authorities tried to legalize this business, most residents sell their weapons to mafia.
blaming the chinese for this is nonsense. we've become so spoiled by precision-produced, incredibly cheap chinese items and techno-items, that there were bound to be imitators everywhere, naturally starting with other chinese.
few people ever question the global price that is paid for the incredibly luxurious and cheap items that they enjoy...
edita isso ai direito
but the first is true, people work 12-14 hours shifts.
no conditions at all
really felt pity every time I visit a factory
with the one child policy; who is going to take of these people when they get old - their employers ?
second group
some thing to be said about "hand crafted
They say that you can show those gunsmiths a diagram of a gun and they can copy it down to the smallest detail.
Now I need to get hold of a PSG-1 schematic...
hey Izi, you left out a picture. It's the picture with the chinese boss and the western automotive corporation rep who's having their products made in China. See the gentleman in the gray coat/brown pants in pic7?
flickr photos/ barndweller/ 1674688062/