Japanese managed to "overcome" the "amercian aggressive culture" largely due to the efforts of...uh..Americans, notably W. Edwards Deming, whose studies revamped the Japanese manufacturing culture to the extent that the rest of the world has been busily emulating it since the '80s.
Btw, being "simi" young is no excuse for being unable to spell - or, apparently, read.
Wow, you're all a bunch of fucking morons. I was proud to "occupy" a bit of northern Japan from 2000-2004. I tore that tangy, hairy pussy up for 4 years straight.
Japanese managed to "overcome" the "amercian aggressive culture" largely due to the efforts of...uh..Americans, notably W. Edwards Deming, whose studies revamped the Japanese manufacturing culture to the extent that the rest of the world has been busily emulating it since the '80s.
Btw, being "simi" young is no excuse for being unable to spell - or, apparently, read.
Wow, you're all a bunch of fucking morons. I was proud to "occupy" a bit of northern Japan from 2000-2004. I tore that tangy, hairy pussy up for 4 years straight.
I guess you are simi-young or you have been living with your head in the sand
Btw, being "simi" young is no excuse for being unable to spell - or, apparently, read.
no country could occupy japan even christianism.
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