Flying High
Taku Takeuchi takes his trial jump at the third station of the four hills ski jumping tournament in Innsbruck, Austria.
Catch 22
Its true running in circles does not create anything. Try telling that to these paramilitary police as they run in a circle during training at a military base in Hami, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.
No Children’s Game
Although the photo seems childish this is in fact an archer dressed in traditional Japanese attire shooting an arrow for a New Years Shito ritual in Tokyo.
Burlesque Attempt
Women leave central London after attempting to complete the world’s largest burlesque dance.
Celebration Debris
A worker at a glass recycling facility in Heijningen wades through tons of bottles to be processed after the holidays.
Not Cold Enough
These men are fighting to see who can stand the longest in a glass container filled with ice. Each man is only allowed to wear shorts. The winner was Jin Songhao who spent 120 minutes in the icy container.
What is that?
I bet in a million years you wouldn’t have guessed pig. This is a Meishan pig and its eyes are hidden under its wrinkles. The pig is a traditional symbol for good luck in the beginning of the New Year.