The Final Days of Brittany Murphy
Many people are wondering what happened to Brittany Murphy in her last days before her death and these are all revealed in the news issue of The Hollywood Reporter, which are now on newsstands. The article about Murphy is written by Alex Ben Block, a close friend of Murphy’s family. Here, things such as her comfort zone and how she became a caregiver to her ailing husband and mother are revealed. Block also tells what had happened to her in Hollywood, about her sickness, and that what the tabloids are reporting isn’t true. We read the article and it may give you a new light about Murphy’s life. Grab the issue and you’ll see what we mean.
can't wait for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo..
You're fucking stupid! Why has he ruined his chance at fame? He's doing the best thing he can by going to rehab. He's actually doing the RIGHT thing. He needs to get better, so he can live his life the way it should be lived. Drug free.