Ted Williams might go to rehab despite the fame
After having one week of fame with his golden voice, Ted Williams, was on the news again because he and her daughter had a shouting match in a hotel. The two ended up in the LAPD station but were released afterwards because neither wanted to press charges. After the incident though, Dr. Phil advised Williams to go rehab to cure his drug and alcoholic addictions as he admitted that he is still an alcoholic. He is even faster than Lindsay Lohan! All we can do shake our head in disapproval. Now he had ruined his chance in having fame and a better career.
can't wait for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo..
You're fucking stupid! Why has he ruined his chance at fame? He's doing the best thing he can by going to rehab. He's actually doing the RIGHT thing. He needs to get better, so he can live his life the way it should be lived. Drug free.