Spring Studs
Two stallions fight for leadership on the plains below the Cincar mountains in Bosnia. Noone knows how this herd started.
Just Do It
Spring is in the air and these two frogs in France know the meaning of love.
People visit the mass grave site and remember loved ones that were lost during the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
It’s Ok
Go ahead, hop in, I’ll take care of you forever. This stork seems to be saying that to this fish. He leans down to gobble him up at the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge near Cape Canaveral Florida.
Razor Thin
Can you imagine doing push-ups on razor blades? Well neither can we, but Xie Guanghai a fifty seven year old professor in China’s Henan Province can’t imagine doing them without the blades. He can do 12 push-ups in a row in 40 seconds on the razor sharp blades. He has completed over 1,576,500 pushups in a year. That’s an amazing amount before the razors are added into the equation.
New Face
Before all we saw was her bum, and it became an iconic bum in the 70’s. The girl without a face has finally come forward. She is Fiona Walker, mother of 3. Believe it or not she was paid 0.00 to do the photo and although her photographer made over 250,000 in royalties she received nothing.
Even Cows
Even the cows celebrate in the festival of Holi. This holy cow doesn’t seem to mind having his body painted in colors in Vrindavan India.
Lost and Found
A man checks a list of evacuees at an evacuation camp. He is searching for names of his lost loved ones. We hope he finds them.
#8 #9 - good idea