Haikiri 13 year s ago
Awn, what a example of beauty and health children. BUT.
Only one african descendant. I think there is more in europe.
#6 This one look too sad. A little older and it would look like if she was a broken heart.
Overtime 13 year s ago
Who says it has to be representative? Who cares?

People who are always demanding equal depiction of every single minority in any display are despicable...
GOODSTUFF4U 13 year s ago
kids are cute - why spoil the moment...
ptpie 13 year s ago
very good pics
orendadude 13 year s ago
Cool pics. Only one african descendant? For fuck sakes, they are pictures of random kids. Not everybody in the world lives and breathes political correctness. That's like me whining when I see a save the children commercial and there are no white kids. STFU!!! If you want pics of other nationalities, go buy a camera and take some!!! People like you promote and prolong hate!!!!!
j b 13 year s ago
Most of these pictures look unreal to me. Like photoshopped, or a modernized version of those hundred year old studio photographs with a landscape painted to the studio wall.

There is an old photographer's way of speech: A picture should BE something, rather than SHOW something. No matter how cute the kid in front of the camera, if all you do is showing the cuteness of the kid, then you haven't created photographic art. The only picture I think gets close to "being" something is #6; I think that is really great.

Of course it is "allowed" to show the cuteness of kid, even if the photos are not photographic art. But then: DO show the cuteness of the kids! Adding stuffet wolves and knitted hats with rabbit ears shows only the cuteness of the rabbit ears. If knitted rabbit ears is required to make the kid cute, do you then really show the cuteness of the kid? And if not: Do the knitted rabbit ears contribute to the photo "being" something, rahter than just "showing" something? And does showing knittet rabbit ears really make it a great photo?
Enter your name 13 year s ago
^^ people like you destroy the beauty of art! If you want 'real' photos go look at news sites.
Incredible Children Photography