I never understood the reasoning behind the volt... "OMG! We're having an energy crisis! Fossil fuel supplies are over-taxed by the increasing number of cars on the road!" Oh so should we invest in better, more readily available public transportation and the creation of more fuel efficient cars while we search for alternative energy sources? "What? No! We should build electric cars that transfer the load onto our out-of-date, failing power grid that's energized primarily by plants that still create power by burning fossil fuels. It's the perfect plan!" T_T
I never understood the reasoning behind the volt... "OMG! We're having an energy crisis! Fossil fuel supplies are over-taxed by the increasing number of cars on the road!" Oh so should we invest in better, more readily available public transportation and the creation of more fuel efficient cars while we search for alternative energy sources? "What? No! We should build electric cars that transfer the load onto our out-of-date, failing power grid that's energized primarily by plants that still create power by burning fossil fuels. It's the perfect plan!" T_T
"OMG! We're having an energy crisis! Fossil fuel supplies are over-taxed by the increasing number of cars on the road!"
Oh so should we invest in better, more readily available public transportation and the creation of more fuel efficient cars while we search for alternative energy sources?
"What? No! We should build electric cars that transfer the load onto our out-of-date, failing power grid that's energized primarily by plants that still create power by burning fossil fuels. It's the perfect plan!"