Gary Oldman telling everyone how he really feels
Joseph Gordon-Levitt's face
Tupac's new status as Jedi master
And a very flustered Anderson Cooper
This girl's smile
Brian Wilson singing "We Will Will Rock You" the only way he could
The man who disintegrated his sunglasses
And this guy
The kiss that rocked the world
The ultimate photobomb
This super-pumped bro
Captain Picard kinda sorta saying hello, maybe
And George Costanza thinking it's pretty freaking great
This weird thing
This even weirder thing
And the weirdest thing
The fat Spider-Man that refuses to stop dancing
And Lana Del Ray dancing in this microwave
Chill skater Obama
"Single Ladies" Obama
And the always adorable Dalai Lama
The best day of Cookie Monster's life
And Batman and Robin discovering the Pizza Hut cheeseburger pizza
But of course the ultimate and final GIF star of the year was...